I am Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Maryland.
    • Office: 3106 William E. Kirwan Hall, 4176 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742-4015
    • TEL: (301)-405-5124, FAX: (301)-314-0827
    • EMAIL: wmg AT umd DOT edu
      • Most people refer to me by my nickname "Bill".
  • I recently finished teaching Math 431 (Geometry for Computer Applications), a course I've been developing for many years.
    In 2021 it was taught by my former doctoral student Justin Wyss-Gallifent and his notes are a good reference for some of the quantitative aspects of the course. A description of the course may be found here.
  • I am currently teaching Math 744 (Lie Groups I).
  • I serve on the faculty of both the MATH and AMSC graduate programs at the University of Maryland and have supervised several doctoral dissertations in both programs.
  • Recent and upcoming lectures:
  • Selected research projects:
    • Here is a recent preprint discussing how the deformation space of complete affine 2-manifolds relates to a twisted cubic cone in 4-space. This result was suggested by Pierre Deligne after I mentioned it in a lecture I gave at the Institute for Advanced Study during my 2021 sabbatical there. It gives an explicit proof of Oliver Baues's theorem that this deformation space is homeomorphic to a plane. This paper will appear in a Contemporary Mathematics volume celebrating Ravi Kulkarni's 80th birthday.
    • My first paper with my colleague Giovanni Forni, Mixing Flows on moduli spaces of flat bundles over sruraces appeared in Volume 2 of ``Geometry and Physics,'' dedicated to Nigel Hitchin's 70th birthday conferences in Oxford, Aarhus and Madrid. (I could only attend the conference in Oxford.) This paper outlines a program to study dynamical problems arising from the classification of geometric structures on manifolds by introducing a cocycle of symplectic moduli spaces over the Teichmueller geodesic flow and SL(2,R)-action. A second paper, with Forni and Carlos Matheus and Sean Lawton, may be found here.
    • The paper, by Rachel (Nakyung) Lee and Karin Melnick, extends Lee's 2023 award-winning doctoral dissertation classifying Lorentzian conformal structures with unipotent holonomy on closed manifolds. This is the first major progress on the classifiction of arabolic-geometry structures on closed manifolds with nilpotent holonomy since my 1983 paper on conformally flat manifolds with nilpotent holonomy.
    • A part of the introduction for the Festschrift for Toshiyuki Kobayashi dealing with his work on proper actions in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. This has appeared in ``Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Volume 1,'' Birkhauser Progress in Mathematics, volume 357.
    • A ZblMath review of Michael Magee's article "Random Unitary Representations of Surface Groups I:Asymptotic Expansions."
    • Current and past experimental projects

  • Recent Administrative Activities:
    • Brin Mathematics Research Center at the University of Maryland.
      • Member, Scientific Advisory Board.
      • I recently co-organized (with Steve Bradlow and Richard Wentworth) Brin MRC a workshop ``Advances in Higgs bundles." there.
    • Former member (with Patrick Brosnan and Abba Gumel), Department Colloquium Committee.
    • Administrative activities before 2015
    • Network Executive Committee (original co-PI, and director of Maryland hub), GEAR Network, an NSF Research Network in the Mathematical Sciences, 2011-2022; with Steve Bradlow, Steve Kerkchff, Richard Wentworth and Anna Wienhard.
    • Scientific Advisory Board (2020-2022), Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research papers
  • Selected reviews
  • Previous research students; also see my listing on the Math Genealogy Project.
  • Check out Evan Goldman's art
  • A photograph of my brother and me with President Harry S. Truman at his home in Independence, Missouri in 1964.
  • Link to Ameridan Mathematical Society Bookstore for Geometric Structures on Manifolds, published in the AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics volume 227. (li+409 pp. ISBN: [9781470471033]; [9781470471989]; [9781470471972] 57 (22 53-01)) Check out the recent review by the Mathematical Association of America and in Math Reviews (MathSciNet) from the American Mathematical Society.
  • Recent draft of Proper actions of discrete groups of affine transformations, coauthored with Jeffrey Danciger, Todd Drumm and Ilia Smilga, from the Margulis Festschrift, ``Dynamics, Geometry, Number Theory: The Impact of Margulis in Modern Mathematics," University of Chicago Press. See also http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09520.
  • A preliminary draft of a recent survey, from ``Geometries in History" (S. Dani and A. Papadopoulos, eds. Springer 2019)
  • Exotic projective triangle tesselation on the cover of the November 2002 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, drawn by Bill Casselman.
  • Last updated: Monday 17 February 2024.