Math 241H - Calculus III

Section 0101 (Spring 2004)


Section 0101:

        M 2:00pm-3:50pm (MTH 1308)

        WF 2:00pm-2:50pm (MTH 1308)


Professor Niranjan Ramachandran (atma at math dot umd dot edu)

Office: Math Building 4115 (405-5080)

Office hours: Tuesday 2-4pm and by appointment


Class web page



Calculus with Analytic Geometry by R. Ellis and D. Gulick (Fifth Edition).

The syllabus of Math 241H consists of the core material in Chapters 11-15. The other text is

Div,Grad, Curl and all that by H. M. Schey



Math 141 and any one of the following: MATH 240 or ENES 102 or PHYS 161 or PHYS 171.

For general honors students only.


Tests and Quizzes

There will be in-class quizzes. All quizzes will be unannounced.

There are no planned make-ups for quizzes. There will be 5 (or more) quizzes during the term and the lowest score on the quiz will not count towards your grade. So missing a quiz or scoring low on a quiz does not hurt you.

There will be two 90-min tests (in class) with 100 points for each test.

No make-up tests will be given.

Each student will give an in-class presentation; these will be towards the end of the semester and more details will be provided in due course.

If you have to miss a test and you have a written excuse according to the University Policies, then you will be given 50% extra credit on the final.

The final exam will be in class on the last day (Monday, May 11th); it will be for two hours and worth 150 points.

The University of Maryland has implemented a new Honor Pledge. Please see the university regulations on academic integrity.


Homework problems will be assigned throughout the course.  It is required to hand in homework; they will be collected every Friday and graded.

Homework problems


The Mathematics Department offers drop-in tutoring in Room 0301 of the Math Building. Note the many hours on the Drop-In Tutoring Schedule at which Math 241 TAs are available this semester

Usually, it is better for you to make use of the many free opportunities for help, rather than pay someone not currently affiliated with the course (individual tutors are expensive). However, in some cases an individual might benefit from an individual tutor, and there is also a list of qualified tutors-for-pay kept in the Department of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Office. Other tutors are free lance; some are fine and some are terrible -- be careful. In particular, be wary of any tutoring service which guarantees improved scores. No tutor can guarantee your scores.

A collection of on-line tutorials and course notes.


Two 90-minute exams

 200 points


  50 points

Class presentation

  50 points

Final Exam

150 points


  50 points


500 points


Test dates (tentative)

Test 1: Monday, 1st of  March, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Test 2: Monday, 5th of April, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Final exam: (in class) Monday, 11 May 2004 2:00pm - 3:50 pm


Testbank (previous final exams)

Last modified: 30 January 2004