Section 0201:
TuTh 12:30pm-1:45pm (MTH 0403)
Section 0301:
2:00pm-3:15pm (MTH 0303)
Professor Niranjan Ramachandran (atma at math dot umd dot edu)
Office: Math Building 4115 (405-5080)
Office hours: Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30pm, Wednesdays 11:00am - Noon.
Class web page
Elementary Number Theory and its applications by Kenneth H. Rosen (Fifth Edition). The book has many weblinks
and other resources. The Number Theory Web is amazing.
The integers
Prime numbers
Greatest common divisor
Euclidean algorithm
Unique factorization
Basic properties
Modular arithmetic
Euler's phi function
Fermat's, Euler's and Wilson's theorems
Chinese remainder theorem
Multiplicative Functions
Möbius inversion formula
Number and Sum of Divisors
Primitive roots
Existence of primitives roots
Index arithmetic
Quadratic Residues
Legendre and Jacobi symbols
Quadratic Reciprocity
Perfect numbers, Mersenne primes
Continued Fractions
Pythagorean Triples
Fermat’s Last Theorem
Sums of squares
Pell’s equation
Gaussian Integers
There will be two 90-min tests (in class) with 125 points for each test.
No make-up tests will be given.
If you have to miss a test and you have a written excuse according to the University Policies, then you will be given 50% extra credit on the final.
The final exam (worth 150 points) will be on
Section 0201: Friday May 20th (1:30pm – 3:30pm) in MTH 0403.
Section 0301: Thursday May 19th (10:30am – 12:30pm) in MTH 0303.
Please see the webpage
Final Exam for the official schedule.
Please see the university regulations on academic
Homework problems will be assigned
everyday and they are due Tuesdays in class.
Two 90-minute exams |
250 points |
Final Exam |
150 points |
Homework |
100 points |
Total |
500 points |
Test dates (tentative)
Test 1: Tuesday, 1st of March, in class. Update: now changed to Thursday 3/3/05.Covers Chapter 1 and Sections 3.1 through 3.5 (inclusive). No calculators.
Test 2: Tuesday, 5th of April, in class
Final exam: See above for informaton from Testudo
Testbank (previous final
Homework 1 (due 2/8/05) Solutions
Sect 1.1: 4,8,11,28,34,39,40
Sect 1.2: 3,8,15,17
Homework 2 (due 2/15/05) Solutions
Sect 1.3: 7,20,27
Sect 1.4: 4,14
Sect 1.5: 8,17,34,36,39
Homework 3 (due 2/22/05) Solutions to 3.3 and 3.4 , Solutions to others including Homework 4
Sect 3.1: 3,6,13,16
Sect 3.2: 3,10,12,16
Sect 3.3: 5,16
Homework 4 (due 3/1/05) (Solutions are above)
Sect 3.3: 21,23,32
Sect 3.4: 1,3,21
Sect 3.5: 9,11,14,15,45
Homework 5 (due 3/15/05)
Sect 4.1: 6,13,19,27
Sect 4.2: 9,13,15
Sect 4.3: 4,9,13
Homework 6 (due 3/31/05) Solutions to 4.1,4.2,4.3, 6.1, 6.3 ,
Sect 6.1: 2,16,24,28,34
Sect 6.3: 6,8,10
Homework 7 (due 4/19/05)
Sect 7.1: 6,12,16
Sect 7.2: 8,16
Sect 9.1: 6,8,14
Sect 9.2: 6,10,16
Homework 8 (due 4/26/05)
Sect 11.1: 6,10,12,14,20,28(a)
Sect 11.2: 4,6,8
Homework 9 (due 5/3/05)
Sect 13.1: 4,6,8,12,16,18
Sect 13.2: 4,6,10,20 Solutions to all problems from 7.1 onwards
Last modified: 26 April 2005