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Here is a list of past UMCP teams that have scored in the top 10, and students who have scored in the top 100, in the Putnam competition, gathered from the results published in the American Mathematical Monthly. Presently over 3000 students and 500 colleges from the U.S. and Canada compete each year. Individuals are recognized alphabetically in groups starting with the top 5. Please write if you notice any errors or omissions.
2009 7th (Matt McCutchen, Mitchell Katz, Henry Scher) 1981 5th (Ravi Boppana, Andrew Gelman, Brian Hunt) 1980 3rd (Ravi Boppana, Brian Hunt, Eric Kuritzky) 1979 9th (Ravi Boppana, Eric Kuritzky, David Phillips)
2009 R. Matthew McCutchen Honorable Mention (top 81) 2009 Henry B. Scher Top 100 2008 Matthew A. Jordan Honorable Mention (top 79) 2007 Henry B. Scher Honorable Mention (top 74) 2002 Marshall Williams Honorable Mention (top 66) 2001 Chad L. Groft Honorable Mention (top 61) 2000 Chad L. Groft Top 25 1999 Chad L. Groft Top 100 1995 Mikhail G. Konikov Honorable Mention (top 56) 1992 Sergey Brin Honorable Mention (top 55) 1991 Lev Novik Honorable Mention (top 44) 1990 Eric M. Boesch Honorable Mention (top 47) 1990 Alex Gurevich Honorable Mention (top 47) 1990 Lev Novik Top 100 1989 Eric M. Boesch Top 100 1989 Jay Chawla Top 100 1989 Christopher J. Monsour Honorable Mention (top 45) 1988 Christopher J. Monsour Honorable Mention (top 48) 1982 Brian R. Hunt Top 5 1982 Dougin A. Walker Top 100 1981 Ravi B. Boppana Honorable Mention (top 44) 1981 Andrew E. Gelman Top 100 1981 Brian R. Hunt Top 10 1980 Ravi B. Boppana Top 100 1980 Brian R. Hunt Honorable Mention (top 43) 1980 Eric I. Kuritzky Top 100 1979 Eric Kuritzky Honorable Mention (top 42) 1977 Eric Kuritzky Top 100 1975 Robert B. Bundy Top 100 1974 Stephen C. Spriggs Top 100 1973 Stephen C. Spriggs Honorable Mention (top 41) 1972 Dale Johannesen Top 100 1971 Eric Schechter Honorable Mention (top 42) 1970 Mark D. Meyerson Honorable Mention (top 40)
Updated: September 2015
Please send comments and additional information to
Brian Hunt
at bhuntmath.umd.edu.