Problem 1. The data set LA.Mortality contains 508 weekly observations on Pollution-Mortality data as follows.
Mortality: (1) Mrt: Total Mortality (2) Rsp: Respiratory Mortality (3) Crd: Cardiovascular Mortality
Weather: (4) Tmp: Temperature (5) Hum: Relative Humidity
Pollution: (6) Crb: Carbon Monoxide (7) Slf: Sulfur Dioxideg (8) Nit: Nitrogen Dioxide (9) Hdr: Hydrocarbons (10) Ozn: Ozone (11) Par: Particulates
Apply regression methods to relate the environmental (i.e. weather, pollution) to mortality by an "optimal" model. Your analysis should include: Residual analysis, Model selection, Hypothesis testing, Graphics, and Prediction.