Modeling and Analysis in Atomic Physics

FALL 2015

Department of Mathematics
University of Maryland, College Park

LECTURES: Wednesdays 4:30-5:45pm or 4:15-5:30pm, every 2 weeks;
please see schedule at this site on a bi-weekly basis

Room: MATH 1311

Dio Margetis (Math, IPST, CSCAMM) (
Eite Tiesinga (JQI and NIST) (

Scope & Research Focus:

The last couple of decades have witnessed remarkable advances in atomic physics. A highlight
of these advances is the first experimental observation in 1995 of the macroscopic occupation
of a single quantum state in trapped systems of atoms with integer spin (Bosons) at very low temperatures.
This observation, and the subsequent dramatic progress in related laboratory techniques, have sparked numerous
theoretical studies in the modeling and analysis of interacting atomic systems under an external potential such as
a laser or magnetic field.

The evolution of such atomic systems is governed by the (non relativistic) many-body Schroedinger equation.
Because of the large number of atoms, this description is impractical for computation and physical prediction.
From a mathematical standpoint, a challenging issue is the reduction of the many-body dynamics to an effective
description that involves fewer degrees of freedom.

This RIT aims to bring together researchers and students with focus on the modeling and analysis of atomic gases.
Topics to be discussed at informal meetings include (but are not limited to): the effect of particle spin;
aspects of atomic scattering; and the passage from many-body dynamics to mean-field descriptions.

CREDIT: Students can take 1-3 units of credit by attending this RIT, and
studying and presenting a paper on an acceptable topic agreed on with one of the organizers,
or discussing original research.
For details, contact one of the Organizers (above).

Schedule for Fall 2015:
(upcoming talk titles will be posted on a bi-weekly basis)

  • Wed. October 7,
    Rm. Math 1311; 4:15pm-5:30pm
    Organizational meeting -- Talk: ``Overview of Bose-Einstein Condensation''
    by Dio Margetis

  • Wed. October 21,
    Rm. Math 1311; 4:30-5:45pm
    Talk: ``Bogoliubov theory of non-uniform Bose-Einstein condensates''
    by Ranchu Mathew (JQI)

  • Wed. November 11,
    Rm. Math 1311; 4:15-5:30pm
    Talk: "Evolution of Bose-Einstein Condensate and Pair excitations"
    by Elif Kuz (Mathematics)

  • Wed. November 18,
    Rm. Math 1311; 4:15-5:30pm
    Talk: "Evolution of Bose-Einstein Condensate at Finite Temperatures:
    A Taste of Mean-Field Theory via Quantum Field Theory Techniques"

    by Dio Margetis (Mathematics, IPST and CSCAMM)
