Articles by Dionisios Margetis
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Research leading to some of the publications listed on this page was
supported by the National Science Foundation through grants: DMS-1412769 (2015-19),
DMS-1517162 (2015-19), DMS-0847587 (2009-14)
and DMR-0520471 (2007-09).
A. Preprints/Submitted Articles and Articles in preparation
87. Margetis, D., ``TM surface plasmon-polaritons on cylindrical and spherical conducting bends'', in preparation.
86. Margetis, D., M. Maier, et al., ``Universal diffraction field of nonreciprocal edge plasmons in 2D materials'', in preparation.
85. Fikioris, G., D. Margetis, and N. L. Tsitsas, ``Excitation of E-polarized graphene plasmons by complex source point beams'', in preparation (near completion).
84. Sanchez Sanchez, M., D. Margetis, G. Gomez-Santos, and T. Stauber, ``Nonlocal chirality in twisted multilayer", submitted (invited).
B. Publications & Articles
Accepted for Publication
83. Margetis, D., G. Gomez-Santos, and T. Stauber (2024), ``Optical response of alternating twisted trilayer graphene'', Physical Review B, Vol. 110, art. 205144 (17pp). Preprint available at
arXiv:2409.04437v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] .
82. Maier, M., D. Corraliza-Rodriguez and D. Margetis (2024), ``Dyakonov-Shur instability of electronic fluid: Spectral effect of weak magnetic field'', Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 110, art. 165132 (17pp). Preprint
available at
arXiv:2403.06386v4 [cond-mat.mes-hall] .
81. Watson, A. B., D. Margetis and M. Luskin (2023), ``Mathematical aspects of the Kubo formula for electrical conductivity with dissipation'', Japan Journal of Industrial & Applied Math., published online (31pp); Preprint at arXiv:2304.04303v2 [math-ph] .
80. Margetis, D., A. B. Watson and M. Luskin (2023), ``On the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model of electron transport: Low-temperature optical conductivity by the Mellin transform'', Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 151(2), pp. 555-584; electronically published on May 30, 2023, DOI: ; also, arXiv:2209.13068v1 [math-ph].
79. Stauber, T., M. Wackerl, P. Wenk, D. Margetis, J. Gonzalez, G. Gomez-Santos, and J. Schliemann (2023), ``Neutral magic-angle bilayer graphene: Condon instability and chiral resonances'', Small Science, Vol. 3(6), art. 2200080; electronically published on April 12, 2023, DOI: ; also, arXiv:2209.00958v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
78. Grillakis, M. G., D. Margetis, and S. Sorokanich (2022), ``Many-body excitations in trapped Bose gas: A non-Hermitian approach'', Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 81, pp. 87-126; electronically published on September 26, 2022, DOI: ; arXiv:2106.02152v2 [math-ph].
77. Johnson, I., and D. Margetis (2022), ``Emergence of local geometric laws of step flow in homoepitaxial growth'', Physical Review E, Vol. 105, art. 034802 (21pp); arXiv:2203.00593 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
76. Sammon, M., D. Margetis, E. J. Mele, and T. Low (2021), ``Broadband focusing of acoustic plasmons in graphene with an applied current'', Physical Review B (Letter), Vol. 104, art. L161409 (5pp + Suppl. Material); arXiv:2105.02717v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
75. Margetis, D., and T. Stauber (2021), ``Theory of plasmonic edge states in chiral bilayer systems'', Physical Review B, Vol. 104, art. 115422 (19pp); arXiv:2107.05764v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
74. Andreeva, V., D. A. Bandurin, M. Luskin, and D. Margetis (2020), ``Dipole excitation of collective modes in viscous two-dimensional electron systems'', Physical Review B, Vol. 102, art. 205411 (17pp).
73. Maier, M., M. Luskin, and D. Margetis (2020), ``Finite-size effects in wave transmission through plasmonic crystals: A tale of two scales'', Physical Review B, Vol. 102, art. 075308 (18pp).
72. Margetis, D. (2020), ``Edge plasmon-polaritons on isotropic semi-infinite conducting sheets'', J. Math. Phys., Vol. 61, art. 062901 (25pp).
71. Maier, M., D. Margetis, and A. Mellet (2020), ``Homogenization of time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in nonhomogeneous
plasmonic structures'', Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, Vol. 377, art. 112909 (23pp). DOI:
70. Margetis, D., M. Maier, T. Stauber, T. Low and M. Luskin (2020), ``Nonretarded edge plasmon-polaritons on anisotropic two-dimensional materials'' , J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., Vol. 53, art. 055201 (27pp).
69. Johnson, I., C. Ratsch, F. Gibou, and D. Margetis (2019), ``Slope selection in unstable multilayer growth in 1+1 dimensions: Step flow models with downward funneling'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 100, art. 052802 (17pp).
68. Maier, M., M. Mattheakis, E. Kaxiras, M. Luskin, and D. Margetis (2019),
``Homogenization of
plasmonic crystals: Seeking the epsilon-near-zero effect'', Proceedings of the Royal Soc. A, Vol. 475, 20190220 (21pp). DOI:
67. Schneider, J. P., D. Margetis, F. Gibou, and C. Ratsch (2019), ``An examination of scaling
behavior in unstable epitaxial mound growth via kinetic Monte Carlo simulations'', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol. 31, art. 365301 (15pp).
66. Liu, J.-G., J. Lu, D. Margetis, and J. L. Marzuola (2019),
``Asymmetry in crystal facet dynamics of homoepitaxy by a continuum model'', Physica D, Vol. 393, pp. 54-67 (14pp).
65. Andreeva, V., M. Luskin, and D. Margetis (2018), ``Nonperturbative nonlinear effects in the dispersion relations
for TE and TM plasmons on two-dimensional materials'', Physical Review B, Vol. 98, art. 195407 (16pp).
64. Mistani, P., A. Guittet, D. Bochkov, J. Schneider, D. Margetis, C. Ratsch, and F. Gibou (2018),
``The island dynamics model on parallel quadtree grids'', Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 361, pp. 150-166 (17pp).
63. Maier, M., M. Mattheakis, E. Kaxiras, M. Luskin, and D. Margetis (2018),
``Universal behavior of a dispersive Dirac cone in gradient-index plasmonic metamaterials'',
Physical Review B, Vol. 97, art. 035307 (7pp).
62. Schneider, J. P., P. N. Patrone, and D. Margetis (2018),
``Steric hindrance of crystal growth: Nonlinear step flow in 1+1 dimensions'',
(SIAM) Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 16, pp. 266-299 (33pp).
61. Maier, M., D. Margetis, and M. Luskin (2018),
``Generation of surface plasmon-polaritons by edge effects'', Communications in Mathematical Sciences,
Vol. 16, pp. 77-95 (19pp).
60. Schneider, J. P., and D. Margetis (2017),
``Signature of microscale kinetics in mesoscale description of epitaxial growth'',
Physical Review E (Rapid Commun.), Vol. 96, art. 020802(R) (5pp).
59. Margetis, D., M. Maier, and M. Luskin (2017),
``On the Wiener-Hopf method for surface plasmons:
Diffraction from semi-infinite metamaterial sheet'',
Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 139, pp. 599-625 (27pp).
58. Maier, M., D. Margetis, and M. Luskin (2017),
``Dipole excitation of surface plasmon on a conducting sheet: finite element approximation and validation'',
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 339, pp. 126-145 (20pp).
57. Grillakis, M. G., M. Machedon, and D. Margetis (2017),
``Evolution of the Boson gas at zero temperature: Mean-field limit and second-order correction'' ,
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 75, pp. 69-104 (36pp).
56. Margetis, D., and M. Luskin (2016),
``On solutions of Maxwell's equations with dipole sources over a thin conducting film'',
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 57, art. 042903 (32pp).
55. Lu, J., J.-G. Liu, and D. Margetis (2015),
``Emergence of step flow from an atomistic scheme of epitaxial growth
in 1+1 dimensions'', Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 91, art. 032403 (8pp).
54. Papac, J., D. Margetis, F. Gibou, and C. Ratsch (2014),
``Island dynamics model for mound formation: Effect of a step-edge barrier'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 90, art. 022404 (8pp).
53. Schneider, J. P., K. Nakamura, and D. Margetis (2014),
``Role of chemical potential in relaxation of faceted crystal structure'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 89, art. 062408 (12pp).
52. Erlebacher, J., and D. Margetis (2014),
``Mechanism of hollow nanoparticle formation due to shape fluctuations,''
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 112, art. 155505 (5pp).
51. Patrone, P. N., T. L. Einstein, and
D. Margetis (2014),
``From atoms to steps: the microscopic origins of crystal evolution'',
Surface Science, Vol. 625, pp. 37-43.
50. Patrone, P. N., and D. Margetis (2014),
``Connection of kinetic Monte Carlo model for surfaces to one-step
theory in 1+1 dimensions'',
Multiscale Modeling Simulation, Vol. 12(1), pp. 364-395.
49. Nakamura, K., and D. Margetis (2013),
``Phase field model for reconstructed
stepped surface'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 88(1), art. 014401 (4pp).
48. Nakamura, K., and D. Margetis (2013),
``Discrete and continuum relaxation dynamics of faceted crystal surface in evaporation models'',
(SIAM Journal on) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 11(1), pp. 244-281.
Margetis, D., and K. Nakamura (2012),
``Homogenization of composite vicinal surfaces: Evolution laws in
1+1 dimensions'', Physica D, Vol. 241, pp. 1179-1189.
46. Margetis, D. (2012),
``Bose-Einstein condensation beyond mean field:
Many-body bound state of periodic microstructure'',
(SIAM) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 10, pp. 383-417;
Erratum (2013), Vol. 11, p. 410.
Patrone, P. N., R. E. Caflisch, and D. Margetis (2012),
``Characterizing equilibrium in epitaxial growth'',
Europhys. Lett., Vol. 97, art. 48012 (5pp).
Patrone, P. N., R. Wang, and D. Margetis (2011),
``Small fluctuations in epitaxial growth via
conservative noise'',
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, Vol. 44, art. 315002 (22pp).
43. Grillakis, M. G., M. Machedon, and D. Margetis (2011),
``Second-order corrections to mean field evolution of weakly interacting Bosons. II.''
Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 228, pp. 1788-1815.
42. Margetis, D., and K. Nakamura (2011),
``From crystal steps to continuum laws: behavior near
large facets in one dimension'', Physica D,
Vol. 240, pp. 1100-1110.
41. Margetis, D., P. N. Patrone, and T. L. Einstein (2011),
``Stochastic models of epitaxial growth'',
2010 Materials Research Society
Fall Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 1318, pp.~UU7.4.1-UU7.4.6 (mrsf10-1318-uu07-04);
Patrone, P., T. L. Einstein, and D. Margetis (2010),
``One-dimensional model of interacting-step fluctuations on vicinal surfaces:
Analytical formulas and kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 82, art. 061601 (18pp).
39. Quah, J., L. P. Liang, and D. Margetis (2010),
``Formulas for force dipole
of surface line
defects in homoepitaxy'',
J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 43, art. 455001
38. Margetis, D. (2010),
``A stochastic step flow model with growth in 1+1 dimensions'',
Journal of Physics A:
Mathematical & Theoretical, Vol. 43, art. 065003 (22pp).
37. Quah, J., and D. Margetis (2010),
``Electromigration in macroscopic relaxation of stepped surfaces'',
(SIAM) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 8, pp. 667-700.
36. Grillakis, M. G., M. Machedon, and D. Margetis (2010),
``Second-order corrections to mean field evolution of weakly interacting Bosons. I.'',
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 294, pp. 273-301;
DOI 10.1007/s00220-009-0933-y.
Bonito, A., R. H. Nochetto, J. Quah, and D. Margetis (2009),
``Self-organization of decaying surface corrugations:
A numerical study'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 79, 050601(R) (4pp).
34. Margetis, D. (2009),
``Homogenization of reconstructed crystal surfaces: Fick's law of diffusion'',
Physical Review E, Vol. 79, art. 052601 (4pp).
33. Margetis, D., and A. E. Tzavaras (2009),
``Kinetic hierarchies and
macroscopic limits
for crystalline
steps in 1+1 dimensions'',
(SIAM) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 7, pp. 1428-1454.
32. Fok, P.-W., R. R. Rosales, and D. Margetis (2008),
``Facet evolution on supported nanostructures: the effect of
finite height'',
Physical Review B, Vol. 78, 235401 (17pp).
31. Quah, J., J. Young, and D. Margetis (2008),
``Macroscopic view of crystal-step
Physical Review E, Vol. 78, art. 042602 (4pp).
30. Margetis, D. (2008),
``Solvable model for
pair excitation in trapped Boson gas at zero
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical
and Theoretical, Vol. 41, art. 385002 (18pp);
Corrigendum, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., Vol. 41, 459801 (1p).
29. Grillakis, M. G., and D. Margetis (2008),
``A priori estimates for
many-body Hamiltonian evolution of
interacting Boson system'',
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, Vol. 5, pp. 857-883.
28. Quah, J., and D. Margetis (2008),
``Anisotropic diffusion in continuum relaxation of stepped crystal surfaces'',
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, Vol. 41, art. 235004 (18pp).
27. Margetis, D., and R. E. Caflisch (2008),
``Anisotropic step stiffness from a kinetic model of epitaxial growth'',
(SIAM Journal on) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation,
Vol. 7, pp. 242-273.
26. Margetis, D., and M. G. Grillakis (2008),
``Impurity and quaternions in nonrelativistic scattering from
a quantum memory'',
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and
Theoretical, Vol. 41, art. 065307 (15pp).
25. Margetis, D. (2007),
``Unified continuum approach to crystal surface morphological relaxation'',
Physical Review B, Vol. 76, art. 193403 (4pp).
24. Fok, P.-W., R. R. Rosales, and D. Margetis (2007),
``Unification of step bunching
phenomena on vicinal surfaces'',
Physical Review B, Vol. 76, art. 033408 (4pp).
Also selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale
Science & Technology, July 23, 2007
23. Margetis, D., P.-W. Fok, M. J. Aziz, and H. A. Stone (2006),
``Continuum theory of nanostructure
decay via a microscale condition'', Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, art. 096102 (4pp).
Also selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale
Science & Technology, September 11, 2006
( ).
22. Margetis, D., and J. M. Myers (2006),
``Operation-induced decoherence by nonrelativistic scattering from a quantum memory'',
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,
Vol. 39, pp. 11567-11581.
21. Margetis, D., and R. V. Kohn (2006),
``Continuum relaxation of interacting steps on crystal surfaces
in 2+1 dimensions'',
(SIAM Journal on ) Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 5, pp. 729-758.
20. Margetis, D., and N. Savva (2006),
``Low-frequency currents induced in adjacent spherical cells'',
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 47 art. 042902 (18pp).
Also selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, May 1, 2006
( ).
19. Margetis, D., and J. Choi (2006),
``Generalized iteration method for first-kind integral
equations,'' Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 117,
pp. 1-25.
18. Choi, J., D. Margetis, T. M. Squires, and M. Z. Bazant (2005),
``Steady advection-diffusion around
finite absorbers in two-dimensional potential flows'', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 536, pp. 155-184.
17. Stone, H. A., M. J. Aziz, and D. Margetis (2005),
``Grooving of a grain boundary by evaporation-condensation
below the roughening transition'', Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 97, art. 113535 (6pp).
16. Stone, H. A., and D. Margetis (2005),
``Continuum descriptions of crystal surface evolution'',
review article in the book series Handbook of Materials Modeling, Vol. I: Methods and Models, pp. 1389-1401, S. Yip (Editor),
Springer Verlag, Netherlands.
15. Margetis, D., M. J. Aziz, and H. A. Stone (2005),
``Continuum approach to self-similarity and
scaling in morphological relaxation of a crystal with a facet'',
Physical Review B, Vol. 71, art. 165432 (22pp).
14. Margetis, D., M. J. Aziz, and H. A. Stone (2004),
``Continuum description of profile scaling in nanostructure decay'', Physical Review B, Rapid Communications,
Vol. 69, art. 041404(R) (4pp).
13. Margetis, D., E. Kaxiras, M. Elstner, Th. Frauenheim, and M. R. Manaa (2002),
``Electronic structure
of solid nitromethane: Effects of high pressure and molecular vacancies'',
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 117 (2), pp. 788-799.
12. King, R. W. P., and D. Margetis (2002),
``The low-frequency electric fields
induced in a spherical cell including its nucleus,'' regular article in the book series
Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER),
Vol. 36, pp. 61-79, J. A. Kong (Editor), EMW Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
11. Margetis, D. (2002),
``Radiation of horizontal electric dipole on large dielectric sphere,''
J. Math. Phys. Vol. 43 (6), pp. 3162-3201.
10. Margetis, D., and T. T. Wu (2001),
``Exactly calculable field components of
electric dipoles in planar boundary,'' J. Math. Phys. Vol. 42 (2), pp. 713-745.
9. Margetis, D., and G. Fikioris (2000),
``Two-dimensional, highly directive
currents on large circular loops,'' J. Math. Phys. Vol. 41 (9), pp. 6130-6172.
8. Margetis, D. (2000),
``Asymptotic formula for the condensate wave
function of a trapped Bose gas'', Phys. Rev. A Vol. 61, art. 055601
7. Margetis, D. (2000),
``Pulse propagation in sea water: The modulated
pulse,'' regular article in the book series Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER), Vol. 26,
pp. 89-110, J. A. Kong, Editor, EMW Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
6. Margetis, D. (1999),
``Bose-Einstein condensation in an external
potential at zero temperature: Solitary-wave theory'', J. Math. Phys. Vol. 40 (11), pp. 5522-5543.
5. Margetis, D. (1998),
``Electromagnetic fields in air of traveling-wave
currents above the earth'', J. Math. Phys. Vol. 39 (11),
pp. 5870-5893.
4. Margetis, D., G. Fikioris, J. M. Myers, and T. T. Wu (1998),
directive current distributions: General theory'', Phys. Rev. E
Vol. 58 (2), pp. 2531-2547.
3. Kanellopoulos, J. D., and D. Margetis (1997),
``A predictive analysis of
differential attenuation on adjacent satellite
paths including rain height effects'', European Trans. Telecommunications Vol. 8 (2), pp. 141-148.
2. Margetis, D., and R. W. P. King (1995),
``Comments on `Propagation of
EM pulses excited by an electric dipole in a conducting medium' '',
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. Vol. 43 (1), pp. 119-120.
1. Margetis, D. (1995),
``Pulse propagation in sea water,'' J. Appl.
Phys. Vol. 77 (7), pp. 2884-2888.