Math 340

Here is the syllabus.

Here is a summary of lectures and homework assignments, and some solutions to homework.

You will probably need to get a computer account on wam to do the matlab assignments.  See are some matlab comments.

There is an hour exam coming up on Friday October 6.  Here (test1, test2, test3) are hour exams from a previous semester of Math 340.  There will  not be an exact correspondence between these exams and ours because I am presenting the material in a slightly different order, but you may find them helpful.  For our Nov 3 hour exam,  relevant questions would be: test2 1, 5.  there are no relevant integration questions.  So I also post some old tests from Math 241, (test1, test2, test3, test4).  Relevant questions from these tests for our Nov 3 hour exam are: test1- 3, 4i,ii,iii;  test2- 1, 4a,b; test3- 1,3,4; test4- none.   Relevant questions for our Dec 1 test are:

Test 1 answers are here.  I think many of you could have done much better.  At least there are two more hour exams so you can redeem yourself and your lowest score counts just half.  The grade distribution for test 1 is:

90-99: 6
80-89: 6
70-79: 3
60-69: 4
50-59: 6
40-49: 2
00-39: 3

I assigned early warning grades as follows:  for each student I calculated n = 3.5*test1 + 9/22(sum of homework and matlab grades) which gives a number between 0 and 440.  I assigned an A for 360-440, B for 278-332, C for 235-268, D for 165-188, and F for below 150.

Test 2 answers are here.  The grade distribution for test 2 is:

100:    1
90-99: 1
80-89: 5
70-79: 3
60-69: 4
50-59: 9
40-49: 0
00-39: 6

Test 3 answers are here. The grade distribution for test 3 is much improved:

100:    1
90-99: 6
80-89: 5
70-79: 7
60-69: 7
50-59: 2
40-49: 0
00-39: 2

Here is an old 340 final.  I also give an old 241 final and an old 461 final.
Relevant questions on the 241 final are 1-7.  Relevant questions on the 461 final are 2abcd, 4a, 5, 6bdejk.
All questions on the 340 final are relevant.
Some answers to the old finals are: 340 answers, 241 answers.

Here are final exam solutions.  Final exam grade distribution:

200:        1
180-199: 6
160-179: 5
140-159: 3
120-139: 5
100-119: 2
80-99:     5
0-79:       2

I calculated grades as follows: 

x =  final exam 
y =  (two best hour exams) + .5*(worst hour exam)    
z =  4/9*(best 270 HW points) + .4*(matlab grades) + (best 4 quiz grades)

(for those excused from the quizzes, the best 4 quiz grades were replaced by 1/9*(best 270 HW points) + .1*(matlab grades) unless your quiz grades turned out better.)

w = x + y + z + Max(x/2, 2y/5, z/2)

I gave an A if  w > 640, a B if  620 > W > 530, a C if 505 > w > 425.