Math 410 Advanced Calculus I

Fall, 2007

Text: Working Analysis, by J. Cooper

Instructor: J. Cooper

Office: Math 1106. . . . Phone 5-5059 . . . . email .
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon until 3:30, and by appointment

We will cover all or parts of Chapters 1-8

There will be two hour exams and a final. The tentative dates of the exams are

Hour Exam I . . . . . . . . . 20% . . . . . . . October 4  
Hour Exam II. . . . . . . . . 20% . . . . . . .November 6

Final Exam. . . . . . . . . . . 35% . . . . . . . December 13

The homework will account for the remaining 25% of your grade.

Make up exams will be given only in the case of serious family or medical problems, or university sponsored activity, all of which must be well documented.

homework assignments

Instructions for using MATLAB in the OWL lab. (MTH 0203).
When you invoke matlab, it starts on a drive that does not allow you to write and save files. You must switch to the H drive where your home directory resides. In MATLAB, enter
>> cd H:\
This should place you in your home directory. Now you can write and download mfiles in this directory and MATLAB will be able to find them.
Now using Explorer, go to my webpage,, and scroll down to Working Analysis, MATLAB mfiles. Go to chapter 6, and open up the file for newton1.m. Save this file to your home directory (on the H drive), as newton1.m. Now MATLAB should be able to find it. You must define inline functions for f and df. To run this program, enter
>> newton1
The program will ask for a starting point x0, and then make 5 iterations.