Math 463 Joel M. Cohen (Summer, 2006)

This WEB page is,  and was last updated: 7/26/06 

Title: Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers
Instructor: Professor Joel M. Cohen

Office: MTH 2313
Telephone: (301)405-5109. Home phone: (202)546-1823.
Class Time: M-F, 11:00-12:20, Section
Location: Math 0104

Office Hours: MTWTh 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Occasionally, it may be necessary to change this time, so let me know if you are planning to see me.  You can also send me email. I will answer queries as quickly as possible during office hours, and as time permits otherwise.

Prerequisite: Math 241

Text: Complex Variables and Applications, Seventh Edition, Churchill and Brown. McGraw-Hill, 2004

Description:  This course is an introduction to  complex variables, and is available and accessible to juniors and seniors in engineering, physics, and mathematics.  The course covers the algebra of complex numbers, analytic functions, mapping properties of the elementary functions, the Cauchy Integral Formula, the theory of residues with applications to the evaluation of improper integrals, and conformal mappings and  their applications..

Tutor: There is a tutor who is available Monday - Friday from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. in room 0401.  

 Homework:  Homework problems from the text will be collected daily.  The problems due are those covering the section(s) completed in the previous class.  Requested problems may be discussed in class as time permits. You should plan to spend at least three hours working on Math 463 outside of class for every class.  If other obligations prevent you from committing that much time to the course, you should consider waiting until another time to take Math 463.

Grading: A total of 350 points is available in the course, allocated as follows:

   1.  Three 80 minute exams are each worth 100 points, except for the lowest which is worth 50 points.
   2.  The homeworks as a whole will be worth 100 points (no make ups, unexcused absences counted as a 0, and two lowest dropped).

        Makeup exams will not be given.  If you have an excused absence for an exam, the grade will be replaced by 1/2 of the average of the other two exam grades.  If you have taken all three exams, the lowest grade will count for half.  Excused absences will be given only for valid medical reasons, University business, or appearances in court.  Excused homework or quizzes will not be used in computing the final grade.   Make-up quizzes will not be given.  Any unexcused absences on quizzes or exams or unexcused late homework will be counted as 0, including the final exam.  Any student with a valid reason to be excused from an exam must contact me prior to the exam, either by email or by phone, and present documentation at the next class session attended.   If you need to be excused for a religious observance, you should let me know as soon as possible, but in any case no later than the end of the first week.

Exam dates:  The three exams are scheduled for July 28, August 11, and August 25.  Any changes will be announced in class, and posted to this WEB page.

Sample exams are available at

Quality: The quality of presentation of solutions will be taken seriously in this course in the grading of homework and tests.

A tentative schedule of homework follows.

Homework Assignments §

Chapter 1 Page Problems
1, 2 4 1, 2,  4, 8, 10
1, 4
4 11 1, 4, 5
9-11, 13-15
6,7 21 1, 2, 7, 10
8, 9 28 1, 2, 3, 7
1, 3, 4, 5, 10
Chapter 2    
11 35 1-4
12-13 42 1, 2, 4, 7
14-17 53 5, 9, 10, 11
18, 19 59 3, 4, 8, 9
20-22 68 1-6
23, 24
1, 2, 7, 9, 10
Chapter 3    
28 89 1(a), 3, 8(b), 10
29, 30 94 4(a), 9(b)
31 96
1, 5
99 1-3, 8
33 103 2, 13, 17
2, 7, 14
1, 2
Chapter 4    
 36, 37 115 2-5
39, 40 129 1-7,  10
41 133 1, 2, 4
42, 43
1, 2, 3, 5
44, 46
1-3, 6, 7
47, 48 162 1-5
49, 50 171 1, 2, 4-10
Chapter 5    
51, 52 181 1, 2, 4
53, 54 188 1-3, 7, 10
55, 56 198
1-6, 8
57-60 212
1-4, 6-8
1, 3, 6
Chapter 6    
62-64 230
1(a-c), 2(a,b,c), 3(b,c)
65 233
66, 67
1, 2(b), 3, 5
68, 69
4(a), 8
Chapter 7    
71, 72 257 1-3, 7, 8
73, 74 265
2, 4, 10
75-77 276
1, 4, 7
2, 4, 7
79, 80 285 6, 8, 9, 10
Chapter 10

100-103 370 4, 8


§ Homework is due the class following that in which the material is covered.  This may be changed during the course of the semester. The Math 463 WEB PAGE ( will be kept up-to-date as changes are made.

You are responsible for checking these updates.

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