Solving the Wave Equation (DD case) using the Discrete Sine Transform
You first have to download m-files
Download the m-files sintr.m , isintr.m , colorcurves.m and put them in the same directory as your other m-files.
Solve wave equation
We want to find a function for , such that
where are given function on .
Boundary conditions: At the endpoints we have DIRICHLET conditions and .
The method of Separation of Variables gives the following Solution Formula:
First find the sine series and . Let for . Then the solution is given by
Example: given initial functions and .
We see that the initial displacement causes waves going to the left and right. These waves are reflected at the boundaries. At time the solution looks similar to , but instead of a positive peak at .3 we have a negative peak at .7.
f = @(x) max(.1-abs(x-.3),0); % given initial function f N = 100; % use spacing 1/100 for x x = (1:N-1)'/N; % only interior nodes (column vector) F = f(x); % evaluate f for 1/N,...,(N-1)/N (column vector) plot(x,F); title('initial condition u(x,0)')
Find solution using Discrete Sine Transform
b = sintr(F); % take Discrete Sine Transform t = 0:.02:1; % find solution for these t-values (row vector) kv = (1:N-1)'; % column vector of k-values muv = kv*pi; % column vector of mu-values W = cos(muv*t); % array of cos(mu_k*t) for k=1...N-1, for all t-values % (column vector)*(row vector) gives array U = isintr(diag(b)*W); % multiply 1st row by b(1), 2nd row by b(2), ... % then take Inverse Sine Transform of each column colorcurves(x,t,U); axis tight xlabel('x'); ylabel('t'); title('u(x,t)') view(150,30)
Solution at time
plot(x,U(:,end),'r'); title('solution at time t=1')