The prerequisite for STAT 400 is MATH 141, Calculus II.
Note that MATH 220-221 is not equivalent to MATH 140-141. The latter
sequence is 8 credits and is aimed at students studying mathematical and
physical sciences or engineering. Although STAT 400 only requires
calculus of a single variable, students must have genuine proficiency in
this material. The following list details topics from high school
algebra and calculus that will be encountered in STAT 400.
Sequences and series:
limits of sequences and sums of infinite series
arithmetic and geometric series (both finite and infinite)
binomial theorem and infinite binomial series
Taylor's Theorem and Taylor series
expansions of power, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric
Functions and their analytic properties:
continuity and differentiability
functions defined piecewise
limiting values and asymptotes
Calculus concepts
derivatives as slopes
integral as area under a curve
fundamental theorem of calculus
definite and indefinite integrals
derivatives of elementary functions
product, quotient and chain rules for derivatives
differentiation of sums, linear combinations and series
minimization and maximization
sketching the graph of a function
Techniques of integration
linearity of integration
integrals of elementary functions
change of variable and adjustment of limits
evaluation of definite integrals
substitution techniques
integration by parts
improper integrals: infinite limits and integrals of unbounded
Sets and Combinatorics
sets, subsets and elements
set operations: union, intersection and complement
partitions and addition rules for counting
basic multiplication rule for counting in multistep processes
permutations and combinations
binomial coefficients
Only the topics listed under "Sets and Combinatorics" will
be reviewed in STAT 400. The remaining topics, which have all been
covered in high school math or calculus courses, will not be reviewed.
You are expected to have mastered these techniques and methods on your