MATH 401 Applcations of Linear Algebra

FALL 2007

Section 0101 MTH 0409 MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m.

Instructor: Dr. Peter Wolfe

Office MTH 3314, Phone 301-405-5149, e-mail
Office Hours: M-F 11 a.m. -12 p.m. (or by appointment).    

Text: Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003
            Lay, Study Guide, 3rd ed.  (for Linear Algebra and Its Applications)    

Course Objectives This is a second course in Linear Algebra. We will expand on some topics introduced in MATH 240 or MATH 461 and discuss some important applications. We will use the computer system MATLAB.

Introduction to MATLAB:   Here is a short introduction to MATLAB that can be downloaded in either pdf or postscript format
Click here for postscript . Click here for pdf

Blackboard Management of the course will be conducted with the help of Blackboard, a course-management program adopted by the University of Maryland. Each student will have a password-protected Blackboard page that contains all pertinent information about the course: the complete syllabus, schedule of lectures and quizzes, list of homework assignments, and review sheets. Each student will be able to view the Blackboard quiz grades as the semester progresses.
For help with Blackboard (including a student manual), go to .

At the beginning of the course, Blackboard will be used to administer online quizzes to help you review the material covered in MATH 240 and 461. Most quiz questions can be answered by reading the text carefully. Taking these quizzes will help you develop study skills that are essential for success in this and subsequent mathematics courses.

Quiz Organization: The quiz module shows the date each quiz is to be completed and identifies the text section on which the quiz is based. Most quizzes will consist of five questions: true/false questions or multiple choice questions that ask you to decide whether a certain statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true. During the first week of the course, taking the quizzes will occupy a large portion of your homework time for the course.

Taking a quiz: You should read the text carefully before starting a quiz, and keep your text open for reference while taking the quiz. Once you start a quiz, you will have twenty minutes to complete it. (Typically, students spend between five and ten minutes on a quiz.) If your internet connection fails, sign on again immediately in order to complete the quiz within the 20 minutes. Most quizzes will consist of five questions. After you read each question select an answer and "save" it. You may change an answer and resave it at any time until you click on Finish . After that, chick on Display Results .Blackboard will grade your quiz and display the results, with comments about each question.

Honor System: The quizzes are conducted on the honor system. No two students will have exactly the same quiz, but the questions will be similar and cover the same basic material. You should have your book open for reference, but you must not communicate with any other person about the quiz while taking the quiz. Also, you should not look at any other student's quiz before taking your own quiz.

Getting Started: To help you learn the quiz system, you may take each of the first two quizzes twice each, with only the higher score counted. In addition, you should take a survey before the third class (Semptember 5). In Blackboard click the "Quiz Files" button. At the top of the list of quizzes, click on "Survey 1". It has the same format as a quiz and counts as a quiz, but it is anonymous. There may be another survey later in the course.

Grading: Each quiz and survey counts 5 points. (The points for a survey will be added manually to the students quiz grades). A few quizzes have a bonus question that allows a possible score of 6 points. Makeup quizzes will not be given, but the two lowest quiz grades will be dropped from the final quiz total.

1. Review of Basic Concepts of Linear Algebra; Chapters 1,2 & 6.
2. Geometry in Rn ; Chapter 8.
3. Matrix Games; Section 9.1.
4. Linear Programming; Sections 9.2-9.5.
5. Markov Chains; Sections 4.9,10.1-10.5.
6. Matrix Factorizations; Section 2.5, Appl, 5.1-5.3.
7. Quadratic Forms and SVD; Sections 6.2,6.3,7.1-7.4.

Exams and Assignments: There will be two midterm exams, several homework assignments to be handed in and a final exam on Monday, December 17 from 8 to 10 a.m. In addition, problems from the book will be assigned as homework from time to time. These problems will not be collected but we will set aside some class time to discuss them.

The first midterm exam will be Monday, October 8. It will cover the review material and sections 10.1-10.5 in Lay.
The second midterm exam will be Wednesday, November 14. It will cover sections 8.1-8.5 and chapter 9 in Lay.

Review for the first hour exam exam.
Review for the second hour exam exam.
Review for the final exam.

Grading The final grade will be based on 500 points: The hour exams will count 100 points each, The homework will count 75 points, the online quizzes 25 points and the final exam 200 points.


Assignment #1   Due September 24, 2007.
Assignment #2   Due October 10, 2007.
Assignment #3   Due November 2, 2007.
Assignment #4   Due November 19, 2007.
Assignment #5   Due December 10, 2007.

Data Compression Demo

Course Evaluation is now online ! To fill out an evaluation form for this course click here. We urge you to do this. Responses are due by December 12.