Here is the syllabus for the course, including exam dates, and grading policy. It also includes a list of supplemental texts we will use during the course.
The honor pledge; academic integrity; what constitutes cheating
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 01/28/04: The course syllabus has now been revised (with new exam dates, on Fridays instead of Wednesdays). Check it out!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 02/25/04: The review session for Exam I will be held (as announced in class) on Thursday, Feb. 26, 7-8 pm, in B0425. Also, as promised, I have now posted the answers from the 340 Final Exam .
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 05/10/04: The review session for the final exam will be held onday, May 17, 7-10 pm, in room 0104 of the math building.
HOMEWORK 1 (Due 02/06/04).
HOMEWORK 2 (Due 02/13/04).
HOMEWORK 3 (Due 02/20/04).
Practice problems (For Exam I, 02/27/04).
HOMEWORK 4 (Due 03/05/04).
HOMEWORK 5 (Due 03/12/04).
HOMEWORK 6 (Due 03/19/04).
Practice problems (For Exam II, 04/02/04).
HOMEWORK 7 (Due 04/09/04).
HOMEWORK 8 (Due 04/16/04).
HOMEWORK 9 (Due 04/23/04).
Practice problems (For Exam III, 04/30/04).
HOMEWORK 10 (Due 05/07/04).
Practice problems (For Final Exam, 05/19/04).