Department of Mathematics

Tim Pilachowski


College Park Office:                Office Hours (Fall 2024):

Room 3316, Math Building           MWF 10:10-10:45 am & 12:10-12:45 pm

                                                            or other times by appointment



College Park Course Information:

Math 013, Math 111, Math 112, Math 113, Math 115, Math 130, Math 131,

Math 120, Math 121

(as of Spring 2017 the former Math 220 became Math 120, and the former Math 221 became Math 121)

Math 140, Math 141, Math 212, Math 213, Math 214, Math 241,

Stat 100, Stat 400, Stat 401, Stat 430


Mailing Address:                               Mathematics Department Fax Number:

Department of Mathematics                   301-314-0827

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742


Resources for all UMCP Math students:

Mathematics Department walk-in tutoring schedule — Look for tutors of your course.

Testbank archives of past exams Search the testbank for your course, then browse through semesters. All semesters have Final Exams; some have Midterms as well. You may have to go back a number of years to find Midterm Exams.

All tests are in Acrobat (.pdf) format, and many print well. For ones that don’t, you can choose the “Select Image” tool, highlight each page as a block, copy it, paste it as a picture into a blank word-processing page, and print from there.

Math Success walk-in tutoring

Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (in Edward St John)

Office of Multi-Cultural Student Education (OMSE)