Graduate Courses, Spring 2006
General Interest
Algebra/Algebraic Geometry/Number Theory
- MATH 601 Abstract Algebra II (Schafer)
- MATH 608C Cycolotomic Fields (Washington)
- MATH 608G Algebraic Groups (Haines)
- MATH 630 (Wolfe)
- MATH 631 Real Analysis II (Johnson)
- MATH 636 Representation Theory (Adams)
Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
- MATH 643 Dynamical Systems (Keane)
- MATH 648C Calculus of Variations (Dolzmann)
- MATH 648F Theory of Frames (Benedetto)
- MATH 661 Complex Analysis II (Jakobson)
- MATH/AMSC 671Ordinary Differential Equations II (Hunt)
- MATH/AMSC 674 Partial Differential Equations (Grillakis)
- MATH 713 Mathematical Logic II (David Kueker)
- MATH 734 Algebraic Topology (Cohen)
- MATH 742 Differential Topology (Novikov)
- MATH 745 Lie Groups (Grove)
- MATH 748G Hyperbolic Manifolds (Goldman)
Numerical Analysis/Applied Mathematics (AMSC)
- AMSC 661 Scientific Computing II (Elman)
- AMSC 664 Advanced Scientific Computing II (Drake)
- AMSC 666 Numerical Analysis I (Stewart)
- AMSC 667 Numerical Analysis II (Nochetto)
- AMSC 698M Market Equilibirum (Gabriel)
Probability/Statistics (STAT)
- STAT 601 Probability Theory II (Dolgopyat)
- STAT 650 Applied Stochastic Processes (Slud)
- STAT 698P Topics in Stochastic Processes (Freidlin)
- STAT 701 Mathematical Statistics II (Kagan)
- STAT 705 Computational Statistics (Kedem)
- STAT 730 Time Series Analysis (Kedem)
- STAT 741 Linear Statistical Models II (Smith)
Applied Harmonic Analysis (MAIT)
- MAIT 615 Quantum Information, Detection and Computation (Kebo)
- MAIT 624 Modern Methods of Signal and Image Processing (Maldonado)
- MAIT 633 Applied Fourier Analysis (Healy)