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Graduate Program Exam Dates

Qualifying exams are given each August and January. The deadline for sign-up is early November for January exams and early April for the August exams. (You can still sign up after these dates, but only if the exams you propose to take do not conflict with one another.)

Qualifying Exam Schedule, January 2012

  • All exams will be held in MTH 3206 (the Colloquium Room)
    • Wednesday, January 4, 2012 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.):
      Partial Differential Equations
    • Friday, January 6, 2012 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.):
      Numerical Analysis
      Applied Statistics
    • Monday, January 9, 2012 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.):
      Ordinary Differential Equations
    • Wednesday, January 11, 2012 will be the make-up day in case the University is closed due to snow on one of the regularly scheduled exam days. For information regarding closure of the University due to inclement weather call (301) 405-SNOW. In the event of a delayed opening of the university due to snow or ice, the exams will be held on the scheduled day, but the times will be altered as necessary.

      Language Exams

      Language Exams (in French, German and Russian) are administered each semester, usually on some Saturday in October and some Saturday in April. Students for whom Saturday exams present a religious problem should contact the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, and an alternative arrangement will be made.

      If you intend to take one of these exams, please sign up in the Mathematics Graduate Office, room 1112.

      If you are planning a graduation this year and have not yet passed a language exam, please make sure to take the exam this cycle.

      Other Dates

      For other important dates for graduate students that are set by the university, please see this link.