Responsibilities Of Graduate Teaching Assistants
The Mathematics Department recognizes that your main concern is
your education and progress toward a degree. It is also our
main concern. The Graduate Committee will do everything possible to
help you achieve your goal. Our programs of courses,
seminars, colloquia, and individual work with faculty members reflect
our commitment to that end. By awarding you a Graduate
Assistantship we have indicated that we believe you have a reasonable
chance of reaching your goal. But you must recognize that a
Graduate Assistantship is a job with duties and responsibilities.
Having earned a Bachelor's degree yourself, you should appreciate
the importance of a good instructional system. To maintain the
integrity of our courses, the Department must require you to meet certain minimal obligations. More specifically, all Graduate
Teaching Assistants (TA's) in the Mathematics Department are expected
to faithfully perform the following duties:
1. Satisfactorily complete MATH 695, and complete the SHPP (Sexual Harassment Prevention Program) Seminar.
(These only need to be done once, usually in the first year of teaching.)
2. Teach four to six hours per week (usually six), normally in
sections of freshman or sophomore courses. (This is for
full-time TA's; it would be half this for half-time TA's.) Teaching
these sections also includes: proctoring and
promptly grading all examinations, meeting regularly with the course
supervisor, and holding regular office hours.
A small number of TA's will be assigned to grading instead of
teaching; those TA's are expected to grade and
communicate with the faculty member assigning the grading within a
reasonable amount of time.
3. Hold office hours three hours per week.
4. Serve in the departmental Tutoring Center, as assigned.
5. Respect the privacy of students by not discussing their grades
in public and not posting their grades in public or on
the internet, except for posting by secure aliases (not Social
Security Numbers or some portion thereof).
6. Substitute for their colleagues when necessary. On those
(rare) occasions when an emergency prevents a TA from
teaching a class, the TA should arrange for a substitute and inform
the Undergraduate Office with as much advance
notice as possible.
7. Proctor final examinations or the qualifying exams and other
tasks occasionally.
8. Complete the teaching duties for the entire semester except
under dire circumstances. A TA who decides to resign
should notify the Office of Graduate Studies in writing at least three
weeks before the start of classes.
Experience has shown that most TA's can fulfill their responsibilities in ten to twenty hours of work per week.
The Undergraduate Office will monitor your performance in the
classroom and other instructional duties. The Undergraduate
Office is also responsible for all teaching schedules of graduate
assistants, and will schedule your teaching so as not to conflict with
your initial choice of courses. If later you wish to choose different
courses, the Undergraduate Office will attempt to change your
teaching duties to avoid conflicts, but cannot guarantee satisfaction
in all cases.
Finally, it is the policy of the Department that your courses and
teaching duties should be your primary concern while here at the
University of Maryland. Outside work is strongly discouraged (for
those with student visas it is usually even illegal!) and the
Undergraduate Office may not be able to schedule your teaching duties
to fit outside work requirements.
Lawrence C. Washington
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies