TA Responsibilities
last revised June 17, 2002
From the Undergraduate and Graduate Offices
Elaboration of responsibilities for Teaching Assistants
Quality classroom instruction is an important matter for the
Mathematics Department. An important component of quality is the
articulation of duties and expectations. To this end we wish to
elaborate on the responsibilities of a Teaching Assistant.
Teaching Assistants must show up in the Department at least one
day before the Official Campus first day of classes. Furthermore
holding office hours, serving in the Department Tutoring Center, and
participating in course-organizational meetings are all direct
responsibilities of an Assistant (including attendance at course
meetings before the start of the semester).
The absence of a teacher from the classroom is disruptive. The
guidelines governing absence are as follows. An Assistant should not
be absent during the first week of classes, the last week of classes,
or during the final exam and grading period. Special circumstances
must be discussed beforehand with both the Undergraduate and Graduate
Offices. In all cases the preconditions for being absent are:
1. In all cases, including illness, the Undergraduate Office must
be notified beforehand by either Voice Mail (55053), email (zager@math
or mrh@math) or in writing.
2. All planned absences must be cleared beforehand with the course chair.
3. Absences of more than two classroom days must be approved by both the Graduate Office and the Undergraduate Office.
4. In general an Assistant who will be absent should find the
substitute; the substitute should be an experienced Teaching Assistant
and the name should be communicated to the Undergraduate Office in the
notice and communicated to the course chair. In the case of last
minute illness or an emergency the Undergraduate Office will assign
the "floater" to the class. (Please be considerate to everyone making
arrangements for you; contact the Undergraduate Office at least an
hour before class if possible; the UG Office opens at 7:30 AM and can
be reached at 405-5053 or mrh@math).
The Undergraduate Office is committed to resolving matters
which disrupt instruction. In the circumstance of repeated and
flagrant lapses of responsibilities, a disciplinary action (a letter
of reprimand, the "docking" of pay, or termination of the
Assistantship), may be necessary.