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University of Maryland
Algebra-Number Theory Seminar Schedule

Location: Math Bldg. 1311
Time: 3 PM.
Day: Wednesday
Organizer: Larry Washington, Niranjan Ramachandran

Current Schedule

: Number Theory Lunch: Meets at 1pm on Wednesdays in the lounge. The Seminar meets at 3pm in 1311.
September 13: Cohomological Arithmetic Chow groups . Note special day and time (2pm).
Jose Burgos (Barcelona)
September 20: Mass formulas for local Galois representations (after Serre, Bhargava) . Note change of day and time: 4PM
Kiran Kedlaya (MIT),
September 22: Special values of zeta functions at s = 1/2
Niranjan Ramachandran (UMCP)
September 29: The de Rham-Witt and Z_p cohomologies of an algebraic variety
Niranjan Ramachandran (Univ. of Maryland)
October 8: TBA Note change in date: Friday at 2pm
Matt Papanikolas
November 17: Borcherds Forms and Generalizations of Singular Moduli
Jarad Schofer (UMD)
December 1: Congruences between modular forms, part 1
James Parson (UMD),
December 8: Congruences between modular forms, part 2
James Parson (UMD),
March 9: An introduction to Iwasawa theory
Larry Washington (UMCP)
April 06: A basic introduction to etale cohomology This is postponed from March 30 because of a faculty meeting
Niranjan Ramachandran (UMD)
April 13: A basic introduction to etale cohomology, part II
niranjan ramachandran (umd)
May 11: TBA
Steve Kudla (UMD)

Last year's schedule