Abstracts: ``No Wild Reflections" The key to the Riemann Mapping Theorem in R^3 was proving that the quasiconformal reflections are tame, i.e. conjugate to a euclidean reflection (disproving conjectures of Heinonen, Semmes and Sullivan). We give the details of the theory of span which made this possible. "Conformal Welding and Circle Packing" The problem of decomposing a homeomorphism h of the circle by conformal mappings f, g of the inside and outside respectively of the circle by f = g o h is fundamental in Teichmuller Theory, Complex Dynamics. The speaker gives a general discussion leading to his solution of Hamilton's conjecture (to appear Annals). "Riemann Mapping Theorem in R^3" We give the main results and ideas in the characterization of domains which are the quasiconformal image of the unit ball, solving the problem of Ahlfors and Gehring. Formerly Gehring had found necessary conditions, while Sullivan and Thurston had given sufficient conditions using "circle inscribing". "Conformal Mapping in Linear Time" A general talk in which Numerical Analysis meets Classical Analysis. Trufethen has given numerical methods of solving the Schwarz-Christoffel method of mapping a polygon with n vertices onto a disk. However as n grows this soons becomes intractiable. By a completely different method inspired by Sullivan-Thurston "circle inscibing" the speaker shows how to get O(n). As this is a symposium there will be breaks for tasting the wines of RICHARD HAMILTON. (It is not necessary to attend all talks as the primary purpose is for the speakers to check details, and drink some wine).