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University of Maryland
Geometry-Topology Seminar Schedule

Location: Math 1311
Day and Time: Monday at 4:15
Organizer: John Millson and Serguei Novikov

1999-2000 Schedule

September 13: The theta divisor and three-manifold invariants
Peter Ozsvath (Michigan State University)
September 20: Bending laminations, convex hulls and hyperbolic geometry
Martin Bridgeman (Boston College)
September 27: The 4-dimensional disk theorem in a finite cover
Vyakeslav Krushkal (Yale University)
October 4: The modular group and the Whitehead link
Richard Schwartz (University of Maryland)
October 11: Bounded cohomology of lattices in semisimple groups
Marc Burger (ETH Zurich)
October 18: Complex hyperbolic geometry and the moduli of cubic surfaces
Daniel Allcock (Harvard University)
October 25: An overview of skein modules
Jozef Przytycki (George Washington University (visiting University of Maryland))
October 29: On links, functions, integrals and 3-manifold invariants Room 3206 from 1:00 to 2:00
Dror bar-Natan
October 29: Hamiltonian torus actions Room 3206 from 2:00 to 3:00
Yael Karshon
November 1: A new characterization of Kazhdan's property T (following Yehuda Shalom)
Alain Valette (Université de Neûchatel)
November 8: Equivariant Schubert Calculus
Rebecca Goldin (University of Maryland)
November 15: The cohomology of weight varieties
Rebecca Goldin (University of Maryland)
November 22: Asymptotically flat Riemannian manifolds
Anton Petrunin (IHES)
November 29: Geodesic flows of nonpositively curved graph manifolds special colloquium in 1311
Bruce Kleiner (University of Michigan)
November 30: The geometry of the group of contact transformations
Yakov Eliashberg (Princeton University)
December 6: Constructing compact spaces by computer
David Epstein (Warwick University)
December 7: Chaotic phenomena in homogeneous dynamics and applications to number theory joint with dynamics in room 3206
Dimitry Kleinbock (Rutgers University)
February 2: 2 polyhedra of curvature bounded above Special Seminar in 3206 at 3:00
Yuri Burago (St. Petersburg University)
February 7: From strings to particles
Ron Donagi (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
February 8: From strings to particles(cont.) 10:00 - 11:00 in 3206
Ron Donagi (UPenn)
February 14: Positive Yamabe invariant and surgery
Boris Botvinnik (Univ. of Oregon)
February 21: Torsion in the Artin-Brieskorn braid groups and the Springer numbers
Ossip Schwarzmann
February 28: Topological obstructions to nonnegative curvature
Vitali Kapovich (Penn)
March 6: On nonformal symplectic manifolds
Iskander Taimanov
March 13: The Mathematics of Rubik's Cube
Jeffrey Adams (University of Maryland)
March 27: Bending flows of polygonal linkages in E^3, H^3 and S^3.
Tom Treloar (University of Maryland)
April 3: Hodge Theory and Motives (motivating motives).
Niranjan Ramachandran (University of Maryland)
April 10: Action-angle variables for flag manifolds
Wulf Rossmann (University of Ottawa)
April 17: The metric fibrations of Euclidean space
Gerard Walschap (University of Oklahoma)
April 24: A new approach to knots and links
I.Dynnikov (Moscow State University)
May 1: Harmonic maps to Teichmüller space
Richard Wentworth (The Johns Hopkins University)
May 4: Morse theory, Bott periodicity and Hamiltonian actions of loop groups MTH 0106 3:30 - 4:45
Jonathan Weitsman (UC Santa Cruz)
May 8: Bounded cohomology and geometric rigidity
Alessandra Iozzi (University of Maryland)