Speaker: Hans Feichtinger (University of Vienna)

Title: Gabor Analysis: Foundations and Recent Progress


Although the theoretical foundations of Gabor analysis have been established more or less by the end of the last century there is still a lot to be done in Gabor analysis, and various important questions have been settled in the meantime. It is clear that the Banach Gelfand Trip consisting of the Segal Algebra (So,L2,So')(G) is the most approprate setting for many questions in time-frequency analysis.

We will walk a panorama, from the classical setting, the basic facts derived from the specific properties of the Schroedinger representation of the Heisenberg group (resp. phase space) to recent results concernig the robustness of Gabor expansions, the properties of Gabor multipliers, the computation of approximate duals, or the localization of dual Gabor families derived from the Wiener property of certain Banach algebras of infinite matrices.