- Cohomology of definable coherent sheaves (with Patrick Brosnan). In preparation.
- Encoding schemes for parallel in-place algorithms (with Chase Hutton). arXiv:2503.06999.
- Intersections of symmetric hypersurfaces (with Sam Lidz and Zachary Lihn). arXiv:2409.19929.
- Equivariant intersections of integral hypersurfaces mod p.
- Local moduli.
- Cohomology comparison theorems via homological algebra.
- Period domains and classifying spaces of hodge structures.
Some talks I’ve given:
- Intersections of symmetric hypersurfaces, PCMI Undergraduate Summer School & UMD Math Club, Summer & Fall 2024.
- Mumford-Tate groups, UMD Hodge Theory RIT, Spring 2024.
- The Grassmannian and representable functors, MATH606 Final Presentation, Fall 2023.
- Geometry of strongly minimal sets, Student Logic Seminar, Fall 2023.
- Period domains and classifying spaces of hodge structures, UMD Hodge Theory RIT, Fall 2023.
- Ramsey type games and an infinite variant, UMD Student Logic Seminar, Fall 2022.
- An Ultraproduct proof of the compactness theorem, UMD Directed Reading Program Talks, Spring 2022.