

  1. Cohomology of definable coherent sheaves (with Patrick Brosnan). In preparation.
  2. Encoding schemes for parallel in-place algorithms (with Chase Hutton). arXiv:2503.06999.
  3. Intersections of symmetric hypersurfaces (with Sam Lidz and Zachary Lihn). arXiv:2409.19929.


  1. Equivariant intersections of integral hypersurfaces mod p.
  2. Local moduli.
  3. Cohomology comparison theorems via homological algebra.
  4. Period domains and classifying spaces of hodge structures.


  1. Formalization of kd-trees in Coq (Source Code).


Some talks I’ve given:

  1. Intersections of symmetric hypersurfaces, PCMI Undergraduate Summer School & UMD Math Club, Summer & Fall 2024.
  2. Mumford-Tate groups, UMD Hodge Theory RIT, Spring 2024.
  3. The Grassmannian and representable functors, MATH606 Final Presentation, Fall 2023.
  4. Geometry of strongly minimal sets, Student Logic Seminar, Fall 2023.
  5. Period domains and classifying spaces of hodge structures, UMD Hodge Theory RIT, Fall 2023.
  6. Ramsey type games and an infinite variant, UMD Student Logic Seminar, Fall 2022.
  7. An Ultraproduct proof of the compactness theorem, UMD Directed Reading Program Talks, Spring 2022.