Office: MTH4407 Email: amingh[at] Tel: 50889 Address: University of Maryland
4176 Campus Drive
William E. Kirwan Hall
College Park, MD 20742-4015
Research: My field of research is complex algebraic geometry. Particularly, I work on Gromov-Witten
and Donaldson-Thomas theories and the relevant subjects. Here is a list of my publications and preprints
(Last update: Aug 2023).
Talks: Slides of mini-course/colloquium given at
Sharif University, University of Maryland, and University of Minnesota. (2016) Slides of talks given at Simon Center, University
of Maryland, Rutgers University, Ohio State University etc. (2016) Slides of talks given at University of Pittsburg, IPM etc. (2021) "In memory of Bumsig Kim"
In Summer 2016, I mentored an
REU group consisting of 5 undergrad and 2 high school students. The projects defined were related to Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics.
RIT: I co-organize an RIT in Geometry and Physics. Slides of talks on an introduction to Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants (2022)
Math Competition: I am a member of UMD high school math competition.
Teaching: MATH141 (Calculus II), Fall 2024 MATH808E (Abelian varieties), Fall 2024