FALL 2007
MATH 464 - additional references
Y. Katznelson "An introduction to harmonic analysis"
M. V. Wickerhauser "Mathematics for multimedia"
A. Deitmar "A first course in harmonic analysis"
A. Boggess and F. J. Narcovich "First course in wavelets with Fourier analysis"
D. W. Kammler "First course in Fourier analysis"
G. P. Tolstov "Fourier series"
J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill "Fourier series and boundary value problems"
R. T. Seely "An introduction to Fourier series and integrals"
G. H. Hardy and W. W. Rogosinski "Fourier series"
T. W. Körner "Fourier analysis"
T. W. Körner "Exercises in Fourier analysis"
G. Bachmann. L. Narici, and E. Beckenstein "Fourier and wavelet analysis"
J. F. James "A student's guide to Fourier transforms"
D. Walnut "An introduction to wavelet analysis"
E. M. Stein and R. Shakarchi "Fourier analysis: An introduction"
A. Cohen "Numerical analysis of wavelet methods"
J. Ramanathan "Methods of applied Fourier analysis"
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