Jonathan DeWitt
I am an NSF postdoc at the University of Maryland specializing in dynamics.
I earned my PhD under the supervision of Amie Wilkinson and Aaron Brown.
Local Lyapunov spectrum rigidity of nilmanifold automorphisms
Journal of Modern Dynamics 17 (2021): 65–109. [arXiv] [DOI]
Simultaneous linearization of diffeomorphisms of isotropic manifolds
JEMS 26 (2024) no. 8: 2897–2969. [arXiv] [DOI]
Periodic data rigidity of Anosov automorphisms with Jordan blocks
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. [arXiv] [DOI]
Cocycles measurably conjugate to unipotent over hyperbolic systems
To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics. [arXiv]
Coexistence of measures with simple Lyapunov spectrum for fiber-bunched cocycles
(with Daniel Mitsutani) Preprint (2023). [arXiv]
Dominated splitting from constant periodic data and global rigidity of Anosov automorphisms
(with Andrey Gogolev) Geometric and Functional Analysis 34 (2024): 1370-1398. [arXiv] [DOI]
Anosov diffeomorphisms of open surfaces
(with Snir Ben Ovadia) (2024). [arXiv]
Expanding on average diffeomorphisms of surfaces: exponential mixing
(with Dmitry Dolgopyat) (2024). [arXiv]
Quenched and annealed statistical properties for random dynamical systems
(with Dmitry Dolgopyat) (2024). [pdf]
During the summers of 2017 through 2020, along with N. Mayer, L. Mazurowski, and M. Neaton, I organized a math subject GRE preparation session for participants in the UChicago REU.