Text: Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, Eighth edition.
Coverage: Chapters 1 - 8, (tentative).
The students are required to read the book and do homework in pace with
the lectures. Collaboration is allowed on homework but not on tests. The homework
assignments are posted at the course website
Students who will need to miss a class due to either religious observances or participation in University activities at the request of university authorities should inform the instructor about their absences during the first two weeks of the class . (Supporting documentation may be necessary.) An arrangement for advance submission of the homework assignments should be made at that time.
Students who miss a test due to a medical reason must provide documentation of illness from a health care professional.
Students who are unable to hand in a homework assignment due to a medical reason or another compelling circumstance beyond the student's control should notify the instructor as soon as possible and make an arrangment for a make up. The instructor has a right to request documentation if a student fails to submit a homework assignment more than once.
Giving a false excuse for missing a class or failing to submit an assignment constitutes a violation of the Honor Code.
Office: 4417 Mathematics Building;
tel.: (301) 405-5118;
email: dmitry@math.umd.edu
Office hours: TuTh 1:00-2:00 and by appointment.