Dmitry Dolgopyat's home page
Some papers and preprints.
- Multifractal properties of sets of zeroes of
Brownian path , (with Vadim Sidorov) Fundamenta Mathematicae
147 (1995) 157-171.
- Bounded orbits of Anosov flows ,
Duke Math. J.
87 (1997) 87-114.
- Entropy of coupled map lattices ,
J. Stat. Phys.
86 (1997) 377-389.
- Decay of Correlations
- Mostly contracting diffeomorphisms
Every compact manifold carries a complitely hyperbolic diffeomorphism ,
(with Yakov Pesin ),
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems , 22 (2002) 409-437.
- Stable accessibility is C1 dense ,
Amie Wilkinson ),
Asterisque 287 (2003), 33-60.
- Limit Theorems for partially hyperbolic systems ,
Transactions of the AMS
356 (2004) 1637-1689.
- Perturbation Theory for Invariant measures
On differentiability of SRB states for partially hyperbolic
systems ,
Invent. Math. 155 (2004) 389--449.
- Averaging and Invariant measures ,
Moscow Math. J. 5 (2005) 537-576.
- Prelude to a kiss ,
in Modern dynamical systems
(edited by Misha Brin ,
Boris Hasselblatt and
Yakov Pesin ),
Cambridge Unversity Press, 2004, 313-324.
- Anomalous current in periodic
Lorentz gases with infinite horizon
(with Nikolai Chernov ),
Russian Math. Surveys
64 (2009) 651-699.
- The diffusion coefficient for piecewise
expanding maps of the interval with metastable states
(with Paul Wright ),
Stochastics and Dynamics 12 (2012) paper 1150005.
- Regularity of absolutely continuous invariant measures for piecewise expanding unimodal maps , (with Fabian Contreras),
Nonlinearity 29 (2016)
- Dynamics of Stochastic Flows
Vadim Kaloshin and
Leonid Koralov)
Livsic theory for compact group extensions of hyperbolic systems ,
Moscow Math. J. 5 (2005) 55-66.
On simultaneous linearization of diffeomorphisms of the sphere ,
Raphael Krikorian ),
Duke Math. J. ,
136 (2007) 475-505.
- Evolution of adiabatic invariants in stochastic
averaging ,
Stochastics and Dynamics 4 (2004) 265-275.
- Brownian Brownian Motion-1,
Nikolai Chernov ), Memoirs AMS, vol. 198, no 927 (2009).
- Small random perturbations of area preserving flows
- Dynamics of Lorentz gas
- Fermi acceleration
- Bouncing balls in non-linear potentials ,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - A 22 (2008) 165-182.
- Galton board: Limit Theorems and Recurrence ,
(with Nikolai Chernov ),
Journal AMS 22 (2009) 821-858.
- Motion in a random force field ,
(with Leonid Koralov ),
22 (2009) 187-211.
- Unbounded orbits for semicircular outer
billiard ,
(with ),
Annales Henri Poincare 10 (2009) 357-375.
- Dynamics of some piecewise smooth
Fermi-Ulam Models , (with
Jacopo de Simoi ),
Chaos 22 (2012) paper 026124.
Dispersing Fermi-Ulam Models (with
Jacopo de Simoi ),
to appear in
Annales Henri Lebesgue .
- Particle's drift in self-similar billiards,
(with Nikolai Chernov ),
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 28 (2008) 389-403.
- Repulsion from Resonances ,
Memoires SMF 128 (2012).
- Energy transfer in a fast-slow Hamiltonian
Carlangelo Liverani ),
Comm. Math. Phys. 308 (2011) 201-225.
- Limit theorems for dispersing billiards with cusps
(with Peter Balint and
Nikolai Chernov ),
Comm. Math. Phys. 308 (2011) 479-510.
- Random walks in random environment
- Random walks in Markovian enviroment ,
Carlangelo Liverani ),
Elecronic Comm. Prob. 14 (2009) 245-251.
- Quenched limit theorems for nearest neighbor
random walk in 1D random environment,
(with Ilya Goldsheid ),
Comm. Math. Phys. 315 (2012) 241-277.
- Limit theorems for random walks on a strip
in subdiffusive regime,
(with Ilya Goldsheid ),
Nonlinearity 26 (2013) 1743-1782.
- Local limit theorems for
random walk in 1D random environment,
(with Ilya Goldsheid ),
Arxiv der Mathematik 101 (2013) 191-200.
Central Limit Theorem for recurrent random walks on a strip
with bounded potential,
(with Ilya Goldsheid ),
Nonlinearity 31 (2018) 3381-3412.
Invariant measure for random walks on ergodic environments on a strip,
(with Ilya Goldsheid ),
Ann. Prob. 47 (2019) 2494-2528.
- Erratic behavior for 1-dimensional random walks in generic quasi-periodic environment (with
Bassam Fayad and
Maria Saprykina ,
Electronic J. Prob. 26 (2021) paper 66, 36pp.
- Dynamical random walks on integers with a drift
(with Davit Karagulyan),
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare, Prob. and Stat.
59 (2023) 1642--1676.
- Excited random walks
Convergence of moments for dispersing billiards with cusps ,
(with Peter Balint and
Nikolai Chernov ),
Contemporary Mathematics 698 (2017) 35-67.
- Dynamics of toral translations
- Noncollision singularities in the planar
two-center-two-body problem, with
Jinxin Xue ,
Comm. in Math. Physics 345 (2016) 797-879.
- Asymptotic expansions in Central Limit Theorem
A Local Limit Theorem for sum of independent random
vectors ,
Electronic J. Prob. 21 (2016) paper 39.
- An error term in the Central Limit Theorem
for sums of discrete random variables (with
Kasun Fernando )
IMRN 21 (2023) 18664--18713.
- Infinite measure renewal theorem and
related results ,
(with Peter Nandori ),
Bulletin LMS 51 (2019) 145-167.
On mixing and the local central limit theorem for hyperbolic
flows ,
(with Peter Nandori ),
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 20 (2020) 142-174.
Local limit theorems for inhomogeneous Markov chains ,
(with Omri Sarig ),
Springer Lecture Notes in Math.
2331 (2023).
Edgeworth expansion for indepenent bounded integer valued random variables
(with Yeor Hafouta),
152 (2022) 486-532.
A Berry-Esseen theorem and Edgeworth expansions for uniformly elliptic inhomogeneous Markov chains
Yeor Hafouta),
PTRF 186 (2023) 439--476.
Berry Esseen theorems for sequences of expanding maps
Yeor Hafouta), preprint.
- A local limit theorem for expanding maps (with
Yeor Hafouta), preprint.
- On small gaps in the length spectrum,
with Dmitry Jakobson ,
Journal of Modern Dynamics 10 (2016) 339-352.
Central limit theorems for simultaneous Diophantine approximations ,
(with Bassam Fayad
and Ilya Vinogradov ),
J. de l'Ecole Polytechnique 4 (2017) 1-35.
- Temporal Limit Theorems
(witt Omri Sarig )
Multi-type branching processes with time-dependent branching rates (with
Pratima Hebbar,
Lenid Koralov, and
Mark Perlman),
J. of Appl. Probability 55 (2018) 701-727.
- Infinite measure mixing for
some mechanical systems
(with Peter Nandori
Adv. Math. .
410 (2022) paper no. 108757.
- Global observables for random walks: law of large numbers (with
Marco Lenci and
Peter Nandori
Institut Henri Poincare Prob. Stat.
57 (2021) 94-115.
- Multiple Borel Cantelli Lemma in dynamics and multilog law for recurrence (with Bassam Fayad and
Sixu Liu ),
Journal of Modern Dynamics 18 (2022) 209-289.
- On dynamics of generalized (T, T^{-1}) transformations
- Exponential mixing implies Bernoulli
(with Adam Kanigowski and Federico Rodriguez Hertz)
Ann. Math.
199 (2024) 1225-1292.
- Addendum to the paper
Periodic points and dynamical spectra ,
by Viviane Baladi
(with Mark Pollicott )
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
18 (1998) 293-301.
- Addendum to the paper
Lectures on Lyapunov exponents and smooth ergodic theory by
Luis Barreira and Yakov Pesin
(with Hyui Hu and
Yakov Pesin ),
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 69 (2001) 95-106.
- Lectures on u-Gibbs states ,
Evanston, May 31-June 2, 2001.
- Sample path properties of random transformations ,
Kyoto, August 12, 2002,
- Introduction to averaging ,
Institut Henri Poincare, april-july 2005.
- Stable ergodicity for partially hyperbolic attractors
with negative central exponents ,
Keith Burns , Yakov Pesin
and Mark Pollicott ),
J. Modern Dynamics 2 (2008) 63-81.
- Hyperbolic billiards and statistical physics ,
Nikolai Chernov ),
ICM, Madrid, August 2006.
Diffusive motion and recurrence on generalized Galton board ,
Nikolai Chernov ),
Phys. Rev. Lett. , 99 (2007)
paper 030601.
- Fermi acceleration ,
Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting.
December 2006.
- Limit Theorems for Hyperbolic Systems,
Beijing, August 2009.
- Piecewise smooth perturbations of integrable
systems, International Congress of Mathematical Physics,
Aalborg, Denmark, August 2012.
- Lectures on Bouncing Balls,
Murcia, Spain, January 2013.
- Limit theorems for toral translations
Bassam Fayad), Lousagne, June 2013.
- Notes on Bjorklund-Gorodnik Central Limit Thereom
Some people say: Blessed are actors and singers for their art is not
preserved. (Akutagawa)