Papers of Henry C. King
Articles on Topology of Singularities
- Real Analytic Germs and Their Varieties at Isolated
Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol. 37 (1976), pp. 193-199, MR 54 #13114.
this paper has an error in an example which was corrected in the paper
Les Reid, A correction to a paper of H. King, Invent. Math. 88 (1987),
2, pp. 423-425, MR #89a:57040
- The Number of Critical Points in Morse Approximations,
Mathematica, Vol. 34 (1977), pp. 285-288, MR 56 #1330
- Topological Type of Isolated Critical Points, Annals of Math.,
107 (1978), 385-397, MR 58#13081
- Topological Type in Families of Germs, Inventiones Math., Vol.
(1980), 1-13, MR #83a:58014
- Local behavior of Morse functions on Singular Spaces (ps file) I think this is a writeup of a talk
gave in Georgia in 1990?
- Topology of Isolated Critical Points of Functions on
Singular Spaces, Stratifications and Topology of Singular Spaces II,
Travaux en Cours 55, Hermann (1997), pp. 63-72. (ps
- Sums of Isolated Critical Points (dvi file),
Articles on Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties
- Approximating Submanifolds of Real Projective Space
by Varieties, Topology, Vol. 15 (1976), pp. 81-85, MR 53 #435
- (with S. Akbulut)
Real Algebraic Structures on PL Manifolds, BAMS, Vol. 83 (1977), pp.
MR 55 #13434
- (with S. Akbulut)
The Topology of Real Algebraic Sets with Isolated Singularities, Annals
Math., Vol. 113 (1981), 425-446, MR #83b:58003
- (with S. Akbulut)
Real Algebraic Structures on Topological Spaces, Publ. I.H.E.S., Vol.
(1981), 79-162, MR #83h:58009
- (with S. Akbulut)
A Relative Nash Theorem, TAMS, Vol. 267 (1981), 465-481, MR #83b:58004
- (with S. Akbulut)
All Knots are Algebraic, Comm. Math. Helv., Vol. 56 (1981), 339-351, MR
- (with S. Akbulut)
A Topological Characterization of Real Algebraic Varieties, BAMS, Vol.
(1982), pp. 171-173, MR #82a:57017
- The Topology of Real Algebraic Sets, Proceedings of the AMS
Institute on Singularities, Arcata, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 40, AMS
MR #85i:14013
- (with S. Akbulut)
The Topology of Real Algebraic Sets, L'Enseignement Math., t. 29
p. 221-261, MR #86d:14016a
- Survey on the topology of real algebraic sets, Rocky Mountain
of Math., Vol. 14 (1984), p. 821-830, MR #86d:14017
- (with S. Akbulut)
Submanifolds and Homology of Nonsingular Real Algebraic Varieties,
Journal of Math., Vol. 107 (1985), p. 45-84, MR #86m:14017
- (with S. Akbulut)
A Resolution Theorem for Homology of Real Algebraic Varieties,
Math., 79 (1985), p. 589-601, MR #86g:14011
- (with S. Akbulut)
The Topology of Resolution Towers, TAMS, 302 (1987), p. 497-521, MR
- (with S. Akbulut)
Introduction to Resolution Towers, 1985 Georgia Topology Conference,
Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 105, Dekker, 1987, MR #87m:57040
- (with S. Akbulut)
Polynomial Equations of Immersed Surfaces, Pacific Journal of Math.,
(1988), p. 209-217, MR #89c:57028
- (with S. Akbulut)
Some new results on the Topology of Nonsingular Real Algebraic Sets,
Vol. 23 (1990), pp. 441-446, MR #91e:57034
- (with S. Akbulut)
Rational Structures on 3-manifolds, Pacific Journal of Math., 150
pp. 201-214, MR #93c:57028
- (with S. Akbulut)
All compact manifolds are homeomorphic to totally algebraic real
sets, Comm. Math. Helv., 66 (1991), pp. 139-149, MR #92c:14056
- (with S. Akbulut)
Topology of Real Algebraic Sets, MSRI publications, Vol. 25,
(1992). errata, MR #94m:57001
- (with S. Akbulut)
On approximating submanifolds by algebraic sets and a solution to the
Conjecture, Inventiones Math., 107 (1992), pp. 87-98, MR #93d:57051
- (with S. Akbulut)
Algebraicity of immersions in $R^n$, Topology, 31 (1992), pp. 701-712,
MR #94d:57055
- Topological Properties Arising from Real Algebraic Geometry,
Topology Hawaii, World Scientific (1992), pp. 149-156, MR #93e:57063
- (with S. Akbulut)
Constructing Strange Real Algebraic Sets, Real Algebraic Geometry,
Rennes 1991, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1524, Springer-Verlag (1992),
120-127. (ps file) , MR #94c:14046
- (with S. Akbulut)
Trancendental Submanifolds of $R^n$ , Commentarii Math. Helv.,
68 (1993), pp. 308-318, MR #94j:57032
- Resolving Singularities of Maps, Real Algebraic Geometry
and Topology, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 182,(1995), pp.
135-154. (ps file) , MR #96e:14016
- (with S. Akbulut)
On Algebraic Vector Bundles, Real Algebraic Geometry and Topology, AMS
Mathematics, Vol. 182, (1995). (ps file) , MR
- (with J. Calcut) Real Algebraic Interiors and a problem of
Arnol'd, Michigan Mathematics Journal. 52 (2004), pp. 361-373.
- (with S. Akbulut)
Transcendental submanifolds of RP^n,
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 80, 2, pp. 427-432.
- Tico Spines, arXiv:1602.02608 [math.GT]. This gives the details of a proof of
an elementary result used in The Topology of Real Algebraic Sets with Isolated Singularities,
but only gave a picture proof there.
Articles on Intersection Homology
- Intersection Homology and Homology Manifolds, Topology,
Vol. 21 (1982), 229-234, MR #83j:57010
- Topological Invariance of Intersection Homology without
Topology and Applications, 20 (1985), p. 149-160, MR #86m:55010
Articles on Linkages
Articles on Computational Topology
Articles on other things
- (with D. Trotman) Poincare-Hopf Theorems on Singular Spaces,
Proceedings of the London Math. Soc., (2014) 108 (3), pp. 682-703. (ps file)
- (with D. Geiger,
D. Heckerman,
C. Meek), Stratified Exponential
Families: Graphical Models and Model Selection, Annals of Statistics,
29 (2001), no.~1, pp. 505-529.
- (with D. Geiger,
D. Heckerman,
C. Meek), On the geometry of DAG
models with hidden variables, (link)
- (with J. Calcut
and L.Siebenmann) Connected Sum at Infinity
and Cantrell-Stallings hyperplane unknotting, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 42
(2012), pp. 1803-1862 arXiv:1010.2707 [math.GT]
- Morse Cells, arXiv:1610.07509 [math.GT]
Last modified, April 22, 2021
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