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Constructing reducibly geometrically finite subgroups of the mapping class group. With Tarik Aougab, Harrison Bray, Spencer Dowdall, Sara Maloni, Brandis Whitfield.

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Graphical models for topological groups: A case study on countable Stone spaces. With Beth Branman, George Domat, and Robbie Lyman.

Math Newsletter Profile

A feature about me in the math department newsletter.

Planet Terp

A link to my online (informal) teaching reviews from UMD sutdents.

Talk at Fields Institute

"Coarse geometry of pure mapping class groups of infinite-type graphs." Given January, 2023.

Geometry and Topology Seminar

I am a coorganizer of the Geometry and Topology Seminar at the University of Maryland.

A Word Map

"Word Maps" are a type of element in the mapping class group of a (locally finite) infinite graph. My collaborator Sanghoon Kwak made this great animation of one.