Math 246/Fall 2018/Jeffrey Adams

Matlab Projects

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There are six MatLab projects worth 20 points each. Your best five count towards your couse grade. The projects will be listed below during the semester.

Each project should be turned in to your discussion section instructor. You should submit your project as a Matlab "m" file, using individual cells for each problem, and putting the problem number as a comment. Use "publish to html" to create decent looking output, and print the html file, either from Matlab or a browser.

Each student should turn in Matlab Project A individually. You are welcome to work in small teams on Projects B-F, and turn in one project per team.

Matlab Software
Students can access Matlab for free at This service is available through the University site license.

Alternatively, students can buy the Matlab Student Version, R2017a is the most recent. . The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA ISBN 978-0-9825-8383-8.

The software is available in most University computer labs, so you shouldn't need to buy it. If you do buy it, the sutdent version is all you should need.

You should be using MatLab version 2011b or later.

The assignments are from Differential Equations with MatLab, Third Edition by Hunt, Lipsman, Osborn, and Rosenberg.

Matlab Assignment 1 Due Tuesday September 4
Problem Set A, pages 49-52, numbers 5, 7bce, 10 and 13. (For Problem 13 use fplot in place of ezplot)

Matlab Assignment 2 Due Tuesday September 25
Problem Set B, pages 85-96: #2,7, 14(b,c), 18

Matlab Assignment 3 Due Tuesday October 9
Problem Set C, pages 141-147: #1, 4, 9, 13

Matlab Assignment 4 Due Friday November 2
Read Chapter 11 in the matlab book
Problem Set D, pages 167-180: #3, 4, 8, 15

Matlab Assignment 5 Due Friday November 30
Read Chapter 13 in the Matlab book
Problem Set E (pages 197-210), #12, 13a, 14a

Matlab Assignment 6 Due Friday December 7
Read Chapters 14 and 15 in the Matlab book
Problem Set F (pages 235-252), #3(a,c), 6(a-d)

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