MATH 246 (Dr. Rosenberg's sections):
Topics for Exams
First Exam, Friday, February 25
- Topics from Boyce/DiPrima
- Ch. 1 (all, but there's not much there to test on)
- Ch. 2, 2.1-2.8. However, you can skip the following subtopics:
explicit discussion of the phase line and bifurcation in 2.5,
integrating factors in 2.6 (though integrating factors in 2.1
are included). Skip 2.9. You are also not responsible for the proofs
in 2.8.
- Ch. 8, sections 8.1-8.3 and 8.5. (But 8.2, 8.3 are only covered
lightly. What this means in more detail is that you are responsible
for the Euler method, but not for "backward Euler" in 8.1.
You should know the basics of 8.2, but can skip "modified Euler" that
appears in the last few exercises of 8.2. With regard to Runga-Kutta,
you should know that the global truncation error is bounded by
Ch4 for some C, but you don't have to remember
the formulas in 8.3.)
- Topics from DE with MATLAB
- Ch. 5, 6, 7. Especially important are 5.2-5.3, all of 6, and 7.4.
- Guidelines for the Exam
- The exam is "closed book".
- You are allowed a calculator, but not a laptop computer.
- MATLAB coding will not be tested, but there may be problems
asking for interpretation of MATLAB output.
Second Exam, Friday, April 1
- Topics from Boyce/DiPrima
- Ch. 3 (all)
- Topics from DE with MATLAB
- Ch. 8-10. You should go over the "theory topics" from
Ch. 10, especially 10.3, "Comparison Methods". But 10.4
won't be covered.
- Guidelines for the Exam
- Same as for the First Exam.
Third Exam, Wednesday, April 27
- Topics from Boyce/DiPrima
- Ch. 6-7. Sections 7.7 and 7.8 won't really
be covered, as we didn't yet say much about them in class.
In Chapter 7, you should focus on 7.5, 7.6, and 7.9.
- Topics from DE with MATLAB
- Ch. 12-13, plus the general principles of error analysis and
stability (from earlier chapters) as they apply in this context.
- Guidelines for the Exam
- Same as for the First Exam, except that you will be provided with
a table of Laplace transforms (copied from Boyce and DiPrima).
The exam will focus on solving inhomogeneous linear second order ODEs with
constant coefficients using Laplace transforms, and solving systems of
two linear first order ODEs with constant coefficients, using
eigenvalues and eigenvectors (and undetermined coefficients in the
inhomogeneous case).
Final Exam, Monday, May 16
- This exam is uniform (over all sections of MATH 246) and
cumulative (over the whole course).
- Please arrive by 1:20 PM and bring your photo ID.
- Room Assignments:
- Hantao Mai's sections: HHP (North Gym)
- Dongming Wei's sections: ARM 0126
- Guidelines for the Exam
- Same as for the First Exam.
- Sections you can skip in Boyce-DiPrima:
- 2.9, all of Chapters 4-5, 7.7, 8.4, 8.6, 9.6-9.8
- Extra review session: Friday, May 13,
10:00am-12:00pm, Francis Scott Key Hall, 0106.
Practice Exams
To see old exams for practice, go to the
Math Department
Testbank and select MATH246 in the Course selector window.