Sample problem for variation of parameters


Solution with dsolve

dsolve('D2y - y = log(t)')
ans =

The answer involves a function Ei. What does that mean?

help Ei
mhelp Ei
Ei.m not found.

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Ei - The Exponential Integral

Calling Sequence

     Ei(n, x)

     x - algebraic expression

     n - algebraic expression, understood to be a non-negative integer

- The exponential integrals, Ei(n,x), where n is a non-negative integer, are
  defined for Re(x)>0 by 

      Ei(n,x) = int(exp(-x*t)/t^n, t=1..infinity)

  and are extended by analytic continuation to the entire complex plane, with
  the exception of the point 0 in the case of Ei(1, x). For all of these
  functions, 0 is a branch point and the negative real axis is the branch cut.
  The values on the branch cut are assigned in such a way that the functions are
  continuous in the direction of increasing argument. 

  The exponential integrals are related to the incomplete Gamma function by 

      Ei(n,x) = x^(n-1) GAMMA(1-n,x)

- The 1-argument exponential integral is a Cauchy Principal Value integral,
  defined only for real arguments x, as follows: 

      Ei(x) =  PV-int(exp(t)/t, t=-infinity..x)

  For x<0, Ei(x) = -Ei(1,-x). 

- Reference: M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
  Dover Publications Inc., New York, (1965). 

> Ei(1,1.);


> Ei(1,-1.);

                          -1.895117816 - 3.141592654 I

> expand(Ei(3,x));

                 1/2 exp(-x) - 1/2 x exp(-x) + 1/2 x  Ei(1, x)

> simplify(Ei(1,I*x)+Ei(1,-I*x));

                         -2 Ci(x) - Pi I + Pi csgn(x) I

> Ei(5, 3+I);

                                  Ei(5, 3 + I)

> evalf(%);

                       0.002746760454 - 0.006023680639 I

> Ei(1.);


> Ei(-1.);


> int(exp(-3*t)/t, t=-x..infinity, CauchyPrincipalValue);

                                    -Ei(3 x)

See Also 
Ci, Li, expand, convert, simplify, int, inifcns 


It seems Ei is a maple function, not a matlab function. The corresponding matlab function is expint.

Solution with variation of parameters

syms t v1 v2
% Solutions of the homogeneous equation are exp(t) and exp(-t), so:
y = 'v1(t)'*exp(t) + 'v2(t)'*exp(-t)
diff(y, t)
y =
ans =

Note that there are four terms. We can get this down to two as long as we assume that two of them sum to zero.

y1 = subs(ans, diff('v2(t)',t)*exp(-t), -diff('v1(t)',t)*exp(t))
y1 =

Now we proceed to take the second derivative using the same assumptions.

y2 = diff(y1, t)
y2 = subs(y2, diff('v2(t)',t)*exp(-t), -diff('v1(t)',t)*exp(t))
y2 =
y2 =

Now we need to set y2 - y equal to log(t).

ans =

So v1 is obtained by integrating log(t)*exp(-t)/2

v1 = int(log(t)*exp(-t)/2, t)
v1 =

And since exp(t)*d(v1)/dt = - exp(-t)*d(v2)/dt, v2 is obtained by integrating - log(t)*exp(t)/2.

v2 = int(-log(t)*exp(t)/2, t)
v2 =

Final solution

y = subs(subs(y, 'v1(t)', v1), 'v2(t)', v2)
y =


simplify(diff(y, t, 2) - y)
ans =