Instructor: Professor
Fred Stevenson
Office: MATH 316
Phone: 621-6880
(Please include ``Math 125'' in the subject heading.)
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There will be three in-class exams and a two-hour final exam. These exams are scheduled as follows.
The three in-class exams will be worth 100 points each. Make-up exams are not given.
The two-hour Final Exam will be worth 200 points; it will be based on the entire course but will emphasize later material not covered on previous exams. It will be common for all Math 125 sections, but will not be the same as the Math 124 common final.
If you miss the Final Exam, and if by the next day you present a legitimate, well-documented excuse showing that for reasons beyond your control it was absolutely impossible for you to take the Final Exam, and if you have a passing grade at the time of the Final Exam, then you will receive a grade of ``I'' for the course. In all other cases a score of zero will be assigned for the Final Exam and your course grade evaluated accordingly.
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Homework will be assigned regularly. Selected homework will be quizzed and graded. The total homework grade will be equivalent to one in-class exam, 100 points.
When and Where to Turn in Your Homework. Each Homework assignment should be turned in no later than its due date by giving it to me immediately after class.
How Each Homework Should Look. Your homework should be neat and legible. You should give the number of each problem attempted and the work for each problem should be indicated clearly. (There should be no arrows running around or between pages!) The reasoning behind each answer should be given. Your answers should be presented in the order that the problems are assigned. If you use more than one sheet of paper, they should be stapled together. The top of the first page should include: your name, our course and section number, my name, and the date the assignment is due.
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Your course grade will be based on the sum of your scores on the three in-class exams (maximum of 100 points each), the Final Exam (maximum of 200 points), and your total homework score (maximum of 100 points). The maximum total score possible for the course is 600 points. The point cutoffs for course grades will be no higher (and will most likely be lower) than those set forth in the following table:
The course grade of ``I'' will be awarded only if all the following conditions are met:
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