Maria K. Cameron
University of Maryland, Department of Mathematics
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Spring 2020
Introduction: sources of errors, the absolute and the relative errors.
- 1. Computer numbers: integers, floating-point numbers, computer arithmetics, and the IEEE standard, overflow and underflow.
- 2. Nonlinear equations in 1D: fixed-point iteration, contraction map, basic methods (bisection, Newton’s, secant, hybrid), the order of convergence.
- 3. Linear algebra: vector and matrix norms, inner products, condition numbers, PLU for solving linear systems of algebraic equations, least squares, QR decomposition, SVD decomposition.
- 4. Interpolation and approximation of functions: polynomial interpolation in Lagrange’s and Newton’s form, Chebyshev interpolation, spline interpolation
- 5. Numerical differentiation: basic formulas for f' and f'', derivation of higher-order rules, the Richardson extrapolation, the optimal choice of h.
- 6. Numerical quadrature: basic rules (rectangle, midpoint, trapezoid, Simpson's), composite rules, the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, the Romberg integration, adaptive quadrature, Gaussian quadrature.
- [1] G. W. Stewart, Afternotes on Numerical Analysis, SIAM, 1996 (freely available online:
(Links to an external site.)
- [2] D. Bindel and J. Goodman, Principles of Scientific Computing
- [3] James Demmel, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997 (freely available online via
- [4] Maria Cameron, Lecture notes on some topics will be posted on ELMS in ‘Files/ Lecture notes’
- [5] A. Gil, J. Segura, N. Temme, Numerical Methods for Special Functions, Book 2007, Publisher: SIAM, ISBN: 978-0-89871-634-4, available at research gate:
(links to an external site.)