Math 461 Spring 2006 (Mike Boyle)
Mike Boyle: Tues after lecture (catch me there),
also W10, F11 at 4413 Math.
Ryan Janicki (4202 Math) M2, W11
Nicholas Long (2117 Math): M1, Tu2
Fei Xue (1305 Math): W2, Th 1
(Math Department online archive of past
Supplementary Course Materials:
For basic background on complex numbers and series, see
notes on complex numbers and series
from the department's
Calculus II web page .
Notes on Perron-Frobenius Theory of
Nonnegative Matrices
Math 461 recorded grades, by alias
(to be opened May 8 or May 9)
(webct quizzes will be added later)
Section 0111 (Fei Xue, 8:00)
Section 0112 (Nicholas Long, 8:00)
Section 0121 (Fei Xue, 10:00)
Section 0131 (Nicholas Long, 11:00)
Section 0132 (Ryan Janicki, 11:00)
Section 0141 (Ryan Janicki, 3:30)
The webct final score will be added into the grades
above at some point. You can access your
webct quiz and survey items
by logging into your
account at web-ct.
Home page of M. Boyle