MATH 730.    Fundamental Concepts of Topology  (Fall 2001)

Professor                     John Millson
Meeting times               MWF 1:00-2:00
Office                           2102
Office phone               301-405-5156
e-mail address   
Web page          
Office hours                M 2:00-3:00, F  2:00-3:00
Course text                  Topology and Geometry by Glen E. Bredon,
                                      Graduate Texts in Math. vol.139, Springer-Verlag
Prerequisite                 Undergraduate-level advanced calculus and abstract algebra (Math 410, Math 411 and Math 403).
Catalogue description  Survey of basic point-set topology, fundamental group,covering spaces, van Kampen's Theorem,
                                      simplicial complexes, simplicial homology, Euler characteristics and classification of surfaces.

Professor  John Millson
Meeting times  MWF 1:00-2:00
Office  2102
Office phone 301-405-5156
e-mail address
Web page
Office hours   M 2:00-3:00, F  2:00-3:00
Course text Topology and Geometry by Glen E. Bredon, Graduate Texts in Math. vol.139, Springer-Verlag
Prerequisite Undergraduate-level advanced calculus and abstract algebra (Math 410, Math 411 and Math 403).
Catalogue description Survey of basic point-set topology, fundamental group,covering spaces, van Kampen's Theorem,
simplicial complexes, simplicial homology, Euler characteristics and classification of surfaces.

                                                              COURSE DESCRIPTION

We will cover the first three chapters of Bredon except for some optional sections.