Exam 3


1(a): R is given as vertically simple region. Rewrite R as horizontally simple region.

The region R consists of the points (x,y) with 0<=x<=1, 2*x<=y<=2.

Answer: The smallest y is 0 (for x=0), the largest y is 2, hence 0<=y<=2. For a given value y we must have 0<=x and 2*x<=y, hence 0<=x<=y/2.

syms x y real
figure(1); regionvs(0,1,2*x,2)    % plot vertically simple region
axis equal; axis tight
figure(2); regionhs(0,2,0,y/2)    % plot horizontally simple region
axis equal; axis tight

1(b): Compute integral using change of variables

Let f(x,y) = exp(x/y). Find the integral of f over the region R from (a), using the variables u=x/y and v=y.

Answer: We have r=(x,y)=(u*v,v). Since 0<=x<=y/2 we have 0<=x/y<=1/2 for u=x/y. We have 0<=v<=2 for v=y.

syms x y u v real
r = [u*v,v];                      % r=(x,y) in terms of u,v
M = jacobian(r,[u v])             % Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives [x_u x_v; y_u, y_v]
J = det(M)                        % Jacobian determinant (note J=v>=0)

f = exp(x/y)
fs = subs(f,{x,y},r)              % write f in terms of u,v
I = int(int(fs*J,v,0,2),u,0,1/2)  % find integral using dx*dy = J*du*dv

% Try to find integral using original x,y coordinates:
I_orig = int(int(f,y,2*x,2),x,0,1)     % gives same answer (but this is much harder to do by hand!)
M =
[ v, u]
[ 0, 1]
J =
f =
fs =
I =
2*exp(1/2) - 2
I_orig =
2*exp(1/2) - 2

2(a): Consider ball with cylindrical hole. Find the volume using spherical coordinates.

The region D consists of the points (x,y,z) with x^2+y^2+z^2<=2 and x^2+y^2>=1.

Answer: We have on the boundary of the cylinder that r=1, with r=rho*sin(phi) this means rho=1/sin(phi). On the intersection of the sphere and cylinder we have rho=sqrt(2) and r=1, with r=rho*sin(phi) this means that 1 = sqrt(2)*sin(phi) or sin(phi)=1/sqrt(2) or phi=pi/4,3/4*pi.

Hence we have the limits 0<=theta<=2*pi, pi/4<=phi<=3/4*pi, 1/sin(phi)<=rho<=sqrt(2).

syms rho phi theta real
Pi = sym('pi');
R = sym('sqrt(2)')

a = 0; b = 2*Pi;                        % limits for theta
g1 = Pi/4; g2 = 3/4*Pi;                 % limits for phi
h1 = 1/sin(phi); h2 = R;                % limits for rho

ezsurfspher(h1,a,b,g1,g2); hold on      % plot inner boundary
ezsurfspher(h2,a,b,g1,g2); hold off     % plot outer boundary
nice3d; defaultlighting; view(-25,47)

J = rho^2*sin(phi);                     % dV = J*drho*dphi*dtheta
volume = int( int( int(J,rho,h1,h2), phi,g1,g2), theta,a,b)
R =
volume =

2(b) Find the volume using cylindrical coordinates.

We have limits 0<=theta<=2*pi, 1<=r<=sqrt(2), -sqrt(2-r^2)<=z<=sqrt(2-r^2)

syms r theta z real
Pi = sym('pi');
R = sym('sqrt(2)')

a = 0; b = 2*Pi;                        % limits for theta
g1 = 1; g2 = R;                         % limits for r
h1 = -sqrt(2-r^2); h2 = sqrt(2-r^2);    % limits for z

ezsurfpol(h1,a,b,g1,g2); hold on        % plot lower boundary
ezsurfpol(h2,a,b,g1,g2); hold off       % plot upper boundary
nice3d; defaultlighting; view(-25,47)

J = r;                                  % dV = J*dr*dtheta*dz
volume = int( int( int(J,z,h1,h2), r,g1,g2), theta,a,b) % we get same value as in (a)!
R =
volume =

3(a),(c): Find the surface area of a part of a cone.

The surface consists of the points (x,y,z) with x/2=sqrt(y^2+z^2), z>=0, 1<=x<=2.

Answer: Let theta be the angle in the yz-plane. Then (x,y,z) = (x,x/2*cos(theta),x/2*sin(theta)) with the limits 0<=theta<=pi, 1<=z<=2.

syms x theta real
r = [x, x/2*cos(theta), x/2*sin(theta)]; % parameterization
rtheta = diff(r,theta)                   %                     w.r.t. theta
rx = diff(r,x)                           % partial derivatives w.r.t x
N = simplify( cross(rtheta,rx) )         % cross product
normN = simplify(norm(N))
area = int( int(normN,x,1,2), theta,0,2*pi)

ezsurfpar(r(1),r(2),r(3),0,2*pi,1,2)     % plot the surface
nice3d; view(-42,24); defaultlighting
hold on
rtheta =
[ 0, -(x*sin(theta))/2, (x*cos(theta))/2]
rx =
[ 1, cos(theta)/2, sin(theta)/2]
N =
[ -x/4, (x*cos(theta))/2, (x*sin(theta))/2]
normN =
area =

3(b) Find a normal vector N for the point (2,0,1)

Answer: We have (2,0,1) = (x,x/2*cos(theta),x/2*sin(theta)) for x=2, theta=pi/2

P = [2,0,1];
N0 = subs(N,{x,theta},{2,pi/2})
arrow3(P,N0); hold off; axis tight
N0 =
[ -1/2, 0, 1]