Exam 4


1(a): Explain why flux over top boundary is zero.

Consider cone with r<=z and 0<=z<=2. Let F=(2*x, y, 2-z).

Answer: For the top surface z=2 we have the normal vector n=(0,0,1). For z=2 we have F=(2*x,y,0). Hence the dot product of F and n is zero.

syms x y z r theta real
ezsurfpol(r,0,2*pi,0,2); hold on    % plot lateral boundary of D where z=r
ezsurfpol(2,0,2*pi,0,2);            % plot top boundary of D where z=2

F = [2*x, y, 2-z];                  % given vector field F
hold off; view(-45,25)
title('Flux is zero for top surface since vector field is horizontal there')

1(b): Find the flux over the lateral boundary using r, theta.

R = [r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta),r]; % parametrization R=(x,y,z) of lateral boundary of cone
Rr = diff(R,r)
Rtheta = diff(R,theta)
N = simplify( cross(Rr,Rtheta) )   % N(3)=r>0, hence vector N points up
                                   % but vector n points down, hence need "-" below

Fs = subs(F,{x,y,z},R)             % substitute parametrization in F
integrand = dot(Fs,N)
flux = -int( int(integrand,r,0,2), theta,0,2*pi) % flux integral using r,theta
                                   % need "-" since N points in opposite direction of n
Rr =
[ cos(theta), sin(theta), 1]
Rtheta =
[ -r*sin(theta), r*cos(theta), 0]
N =
[ -r*cos(theta), -r*sin(theta), r]
Fs =
[ 2*r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta), 2 - r]
integrand =
- 2*r^2*cos(theta)^2 - r^2*sin(theta)^2 - r*(r - 2)
flux =

1(c): Apply the divergence theorem and find the flux from (b) as a volume integral.

We use cylindrical coordinates for the integral.

R = [r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta),z]; % cylindrical coordinates

g = divergence(F,[x y z])          % find divergence of F
gs = subs(g,{x,y,z},R)             % substitute cylindrical coordinates in g
flux = int( int( int(gs*r,z,r,2), r,0,2), theta,0,2*pi) % use dV = r*dr*dtheta*dz
g =
gs =
flux =

2(a): Find a work integral.

C is the straight line from (1,0,0) to (0,1,1), and the vector field is F=(x+y,y+z,z).

Answer: curl F = (-1,0,-1) is nonzero. Hence there is no potential f, and we cannot use the fundamental theorem of line integrals to find the work.

syms x y z t real
P = [1,0,0]; Q = [0,1,1];          % endpoints of straight line C
r = P + t*(Q-P)                    % parametrization r(t) of C, 0<=t<=1
rp = diff(r,t)                     % r'(t)

F = [x+y, y+z, z];                 % vector field F
Fs = subs(F,{x,y,z},r)             % substitute parametrization for x,y,z
integrand = dot(Fs,rp)
work = int(integrand,t,0,1)

curlF = curl(F,[x y z])            % Note that curl is nonzero, hence there is no potential.
r =
[ 1 - t, t, t]
rp =
[ -1, 1, 1]
Fs =
[ 1, 2*t, t]
integrand =
3*t - 1
work =
curlF =

2(b): Find another work integral using the fundamental theorem of line integrals.

Now the vector field is F=(2*x*y, x^2+2*y*z, y^2+z^2).

F = [2*x*y, x^2+2*y*z, y^2+z^2];
f = potential(F,[x y z])                     % find potential f
work = subs(f,{x,y,z},Q) - subs(f,{x,y,z},P) % work is difference of potential at points Q and P

vectorfield3(F,0:.25:1,0:.25:1,0:.25:1); hold on        % plot vector field F
ezisosurf(f,[0 1 0 1 0 1],.1:.2:2); colorbar; hold off  % plot potential f
nice3d; view(65,30);
title('vector field F with potential f')
f =
x^2*y + y^2*z + z^3/3
work =

3(a): Find a line integral for a scalar function f

Let C denote the circle x^2+y^2=9, with counterclockwise direction. Find the line integral of the function x^2+y over the curve C.

Answer: parametrization of circle: (x,y) = (3*cos(t),3*sin(t)), 0<=t<=2*pi

syms x y t real
r = [3*cos(t),3*sin(t)];      % parametrization r(t)
rp = diff(r,t)                % r'(t)
rpnorm = simplify( norm(rp) ) % ||r'||
f = x^2 + y;
fs = subs(f,{x,y},r)          % substitute parametrization in f
integrand = fs*rpnorm
I = int(integrand,t,0,2*pi)   % line integral using ds = ||r'||*dt
rp =
[ -3*sin(t), 3*cos(t)]
rpnorm =
fs =
3*sin(t) + 9*cos(t)^2
integrand =
9*sin(t) + 27*cos(t)^2
I =

3(b): Find work integral using Green's theorem.

For the vector field F=[x^2+2*y, y^2-2*x] find the work over the curve C by using Green's theorem.

syms x y r theta real
F = [x^2+2*y, y^2-2*x];                  % vector field F
G = diff(F(2),x) - diff(F(1),y)          % find curl

I = int( int( G*r, r,0,3), theta,0,2*pi) % integrate curl over circle using dA=r*dr*dtheta

vectorfield(F,-3:.5:3,-3:.5:3); hold on  % plot vector field
ezplot(x^2+y^2-9,[-3 3 -3 3]);           % plot circle
hold off; axis([-3.1 3.1 -3.1 3.1])
G =
I =