Examples Wednesday, March 5


Gradient and directional derivatives for differentiable function

Assume the temperature at the point (x,y) is given by the function f(x,y) = x^2/6 + y^2/3. For the point (x0,y0)=(3,2) find the gradient and the directional derivative for a=(-.6,.8).

syms x y real
f = x^2/6 + y^2/3
fx = diff(f,x)                  % Note: fx is continuous function
fy = diff(f,y)                  % Note: fy is continuous function
x0 = 3; y0 = 2;
g = subs([fx,fy],{x,y},{x0,y0}) % gradient vector g in point (x0,y0)
a = [-.6,.8];
direct_derivative = dot(g,a)    % directional derivative D_a f

r0 = [x0,y0];
ezcontourc(f,[0,5,0,4],29); colorbar; hold on
arrow(r0,g,'r'); texts(r0+g,'grad f')
arrow(r0,a,'k'); texts(r0+a,'a')
hold off; axis equal
f =
x^2/6 + y^2/3
fx =
fy =
g =
[ 1, 4/3]
direct_derivative =

maximal, minimal and zero values for directional derivative

Find a unit vector a such that the directional derivative is (i) maximal, (ii) minimal, (iii) zero. Give the value of the directional derivative in each case.

a_i = g/norm(g)                 % (i)
direct_derivative_i = norm(g)

a_ii = -g/norm(g)               % (ii)
direct_derivative_ii = -norm(g)

b = [g(2),-g(1)];               % (iii)
a_iii = b/norm(b)               % a = -b/norm(b) also works
direct_derivative_iii = 0

ezcontourc(f,[0,5,0,4],29); colorbar; hold on
arrow(r0,g,'r'); texts(r0+g,'grad f')
arrow(r0,a_i,'k'); texts(r0+a_i,'(i)')
arrow(r0,a_ii,'k'); texts(r0+a_ii,'   (ii)')
arrow(r0,a_iii,'k'); texts(r0+a_iii,'(iii)')
hold off; axis equal
a_i =
[ 3/5, 4/5]
direct_derivative_i =
a_ii =
[ -3/5, -4/5]
direct_derivative_ii =
a_iii =
[ 4/5, -3/5]
direct_derivative_iii =

Chain rule

We now move around the plane: our position at time t is r(t) = (X(t),Y(t)) = (t^2,t). Then the temperature at time t is F(t) = f(X(t),Y(t)). Find F'(1) by (i) taking the derivative of F(t), (ii) by using the chain rule.

syms t real
t0 = sym(1);
X = t^2; Y = t;                       % we use capital letters for position function
F = subs(f,{x,y},{X,Y})               % for x,y substitute X,Y
Fp = diff(F,t)                        % F'(t)
derivative_i = subs(Fp,t,t0)          % F'(t0)

r = [X,Y];                            % position function r(t) = (X(t),Y(t))
r0 = subs(r,t,t0)                     % point r0 for time t0
v = diff(r,t)                         % velocity vector
v0 = subs(v,t,t0)                     % velocity vector at time t0
g = subs([fx,fy],{x,y},{r0(1),r0(2)}) % gradient of f at point r0
derivative_ii = dot(g,v0)             % derivative using chain rule

ezcontourc(f,[0,3.3,0,2.5],21); colorbar; hold on
ezplot(r(1),r(2),[0 2]);
arrow(r0,g,'r'); texts(r0+g,'grad f')
arrow(r0,v0,'k'); texts(r0+v0,'v')
hold off; axis equal
F =
t^4/6 + t^2/3
Fp =
(2*t^3)/3 + (2*t)/3
derivative_i =
r0 =
[ 1, 1]
v =
[ 2*t, 1]
v0 =
[ 2, 1]
g =
[ 1/3, 2/3]
derivative_ii =