Examples: Surface area


(1): Surface area of paraboloid

Consider the paraboloid given by z=4-x^2-y^2. Find the surface area for -1<=x<=1 and -1<=y<=1. Note that this gives difficult integrals in Cartesian coordinates.

syms x y a real
f = 4-x^2-y^2
fx = diff(f,x)
fy = diff(f,y)
g = sqrt(1+fx^2+fy^2)     % integrand for surface area
I1 = int(g,y,-1,1)        % inner integral over y: Matlab can do this
I = int(I1,x,-1,1)        % outer integral over x: Matlab cannot do this, returns int(...)
Id = double(I)            % use double(...) to get numerical answer

ezsurf(f,[-1 1 -1 1])
f =
- x^2 - y^2 + 4
fx =
fy =
g =
(4*x^2 + 4*y^2 + 1)^(1/2)
I1 =
(4*x^2 + 5)^(1/2) - ((4*x^2 + 1)*(log(4*x^2 + 1)/2 - log((4*x^2 + 5)^(1/2) + 2)))/2
I =
int((4*x^2 + 5)^(1/2) - ((4*x^2 + 1)*(log(4*x^2 + 1)/2 - log((4*x^2 + 5)^(1/2) + 2)))/2, x == -1..1)
Id =

(2): Surface area of paraboloid

Now find the surface area of the paraboloid for (x,y) with x^2+y^2<=4. Use polar coordinates.

syms r theta real
Pi = sym('pi');
X = r*cos(theta); Y = r*sin(theta);
F = simplify(subs(f,{x,y},{X,Y})) % f in polar coordinates, simplify
G = simplify(subs(g,{x,y},{X,Y})) % integrand in polar coordinates, simplify

I1 = int(G*r,r,0,2)       % inner integral, use area element r*dr*dtheta
I = int(I1,theta,0,2*Pi)  % outer integral

F =
4 - r^2
G =
(4*r^2 + 1)^(1/2)
I1 =
(17*17^(1/2))/12 - 1/12
I =
(pi*(17*17^(1/2) - 1))/6