Examples Wednesday, Febr. 5


(a) Plane through three given points

Consider the plane given by the three points P=(0,1,1), Q=(1,0,1), R=(1,1,0). Find the normal vector N and plot the plane.

P = [0,1,1]; Q = [1,0,1]; R = [1,1,0];
N = cross(Q-P,R-P)

plotpts([P;Q;R],'o'); hold on
texts(P,'P'); texts(Q,'Q'); texts(R,'R')
plane(P,N,2,2);                    % 2,2 specifies width and height of rectangle
hold off; nice3d
view(100,20);                      % pick nice angle to look at plot
N =
     1     1     1

(b) Distance of point from plane

Consider the point S = (2,2,2). Find the closest point T on the plane from (a), and find the distance from S to T.

S = [2,2,2];
a = S-P                            % vector from P to S
apar = dot(a,N)/dot(N,N)*N         % projection of a onto N
T = S-apar
distance1 = norm(S-T)              % distance using S,T
distance2 = abs(dot(a,N))/norm(N)  % distance using formula from class

plotpts(P,'o'); hold on
plotpts([S;T],'o-')                % line from S to T
texts(P,'P'); texts(S,'S'); texts(T,'T')
hold off; nice3d
view(55,35)                        % pick nice angle to look at plot
a =
     2     1     1
apar =
    1.3333    1.3333    1.3333
T =
    0.6667    0.6667    0.6667
distance1 =
distance2 =

(c) Intersection of two planes

Consider the plane from (a) and the plane given by the equation x-y+z=2. Find the intersection line of the two planes: give a point A on the line and the direction vector L.

D = dot(P,N);                      % D-value of first plane
Np = [1,-1,1];                     % normal vector of second plane
Dp = 2;                            % D-value of second plane
L = cross(N,Np)                    % direction vector of line
                       % find pt A which is on both planes:
a = [N;Np]\[D;Dp];     % find [a1;a2;a3] such that [N;Np]*[a1;a2;a3] = [D;Dp]
A = a'                             % write as row vector
plotpts(A,'o'); texts(A,'A'); hold on
plane(A,N,2,2);                    % plot first plane
plane(A,Np,2,2)                    % plot second plane
arrow3(A,L)                        % plot direction vector
hold off; nice3d;
view(65,30)                        % pick nice angle to look at plot
L =
     2     0    -2
A =
    2.0000         0         0