Compute discrete convolution, deconvolution using discrete Fourier transform


Given signal and filter

four = @(f) fft(f)/length(f);    % discrete Fourier transform as defined in class
ifour = @(f) ifft(f)*length(f);

N = 128;
t = (0:N-1)/N;
u = 0:N-1;                         % signal

M = 30;                            % filter has coefficients from -M,...,M
v = [M:-1:0,zeros(1,N-2*M),1:M-1]; % filter
v = v/sum(v)*N;                    % normalize so that filter gives weighted averages

plot([t,t+1],[u,u],'.-'); hold on
legend('signal u','filter v')

Find discrete Fourier transforms

uh = four(u);
vh = four(v);
wh = uh.*vh;                       % convolution in frequency domain
w = ifour(wh);

legend('signal u','filter v','filtered signal w')
hold off

Given exact w, v: perform deconvolution to find u

wh = four(w);
vh = four(v);
Uh = wh./vh;                       % deconvolution in frequency domain
U = ifour(Uh);                     % reconstructed signal u

title('reconstructed signal U')

e = U-u;                           % error
title('error U-u')

Given noisy version W of w: try to perform naive deconvolution

We add a tiny amount of noise.

Now the deconvolution hugely magnifies this noise and completely dominates over the reconstructed signal.

W = w + 1e-4*randn(1,N);           % add noise of size 1e-4
title('w with noise')
hold on

Wh = four(W);
vh = four(v);
Uh = Wh./vh;                       % deconvolution in frequency domain
U = ifour(Uh);                     % reconstructed signal u

title('reconstructed signal U'); hold off

Given noisy version W of w: try to perform deconvolution, omitting very high frequencies

The trouble comes from the high frequencies.

Therefore we use zero for frequencies higher than K. Recall that frequencies higher than $K$ correspond to $\hat U_{K+1},\ldots,\hat U_{N-K-1}$.

K = 40;
Uh = Wh./vh;                       % deconvolution in frequency domain
Uh(K+2:end-K) = 0;                 % set all frequencies>K to zero
U = ifour(Uh);                     % reconstructed signal u

title('reconstructed signal U')