The Poisson problem -Delta u = f on a square


The domain is the square [0,1]^2. For the function f(x)=1 we want to find the solution u(x1,x2) of the equation

$$-\Delta u = f$$

with the boundary condition u=0 on the boundary of the square.

We want to find the displacement in the center

$$u_{\rm center} = u(.5,.5)$$

and plot the graph of u(x).

We use a uniform mesh with meshsize h=1/N.


N = 4; h = 1/N;
n = (N-1)^2               % n is number of unknowns
A = laplacian2(N);        % generate A as sparse matrix
b = ones(n,1)*h^2;        % right hand side vector
                          % Gaussian elimination with row pivoting:
[L,U,p] = lu(A,'vector'); % Find LU-decomposition
y = L\b(p);               % use forward substitution to find y
u = U\y;                  % use back substitution to find u
ucenter = u((n+1)/2)      % displacement in center

full(A)                   % show full matrix
figure(1); spy(U)         % show sparsity structure of matrix U
title('nonzero elements in matrix U')

x=(0:N)/N; v=zeros(N+1,N+1);
figure(2); surf(x,x,v'); alpha(.85)
title('Finite element solution u_h')
n =


ucenter =


ans =

     4    -1     0    -1     0     0     0     0     0
    -1     4    -1     0    -1     0     0     0     0
     0    -1     4     0     0    -1     0     0     0
    -1     0     0     4    -1     0    -1     0     0
     0    -1     0    -1     4    -1     0    -1     0
     0     0    -1     0    -1     4     0     0    -1
     0     0     0    -1     0     0     4    -1     0
     0     0     0     0    -1     0    -1     4    -1
     0     0     0     0     0    -1     0    -1     4

N=20, no reordering

The matrix A is a band matrix with bandwidth b = sqrt(n). Since most of the band is filled in we expect about n*sqrt(n)=6859 nonzero elements in U.

Actually the matrix U has 6877 nonzero elements (slightly less, because of the empty triangle at the top).

N = 20; h = 1/N;
n = (N-1)^2               % n is number of unknowns
A = laplacian2(N);        % generate A as sparse matrix
b = ones(n,1)*h^2;        % right hand side vector
                          % Gaussian elimination with row pivoting:
[L,U,p] = lu(A,'vector'); % Find LU-decomposition
y = L\b(p);               % use forward substitution to find y
u = U\y;                  % use back substitution to find u
ucenter = u((n+1)/2)      % displacement in center

figure(1); spy(U)         % show sparsity structure of matrix U
title('nonzero elements in matrix U')

x=(0:N)/N; v=zeros(N+1,N+1);
figure(2); surf(x,x,v'); alpha(.85)
title('Finite element solution u_h')
n =


ucenter =


N=20, with reordering

Now Matlab reorders the unknows in order to minimize the "fill-in".

We see that Matlab finds a permutation q for the unknowns such that the matrix U has 3246 nonzero elements (instead of 6877 before).

N = 20; h = 1/N;
n = (N-1)^2               % n is number of unknowns
A = laplacian2(N);        % generate A as sparse matrix
b = ones(n,1)*h^2;        % right hand side vector
                          % Gaussian elimination with row and column pivoting
                          % choose column pivoting to minimize fill-in
[L,U,p,q] = lu(A,'vector'); % Find LU-decomposition
y = L\b(p);               % use forward substitution to find y
u = U\y; u(q)=u;          % use back substitution to find u, undo permutation q
ucenter = u((n+1)/2)      % displacement in center

figure(1); spy(U)         % show sparsity structure of matrix U
title('nonzero elements in matrix U with reordering')
n =


ucenter =


N=1000, with reordering

The backslash command u=A\b in Matlab tries to find the best possible algorithm for solving a linear system. It considers using algorithms for tridiagonal matrices, band matrices, Cholesky decomposition (if A is symmetric positive definite), and different reordering strategies.

With the command spparms('spumoni',2) we can see what algorithms Matlab is considering.

We have a matrix of size n by n where n is almost 10^6. The time to solve this linear system is under 5 seconds. The number of operations ("flops") is about 2e10, the number of nonzero elements in the matrix L is about 4.4e7.

Note that without reordering we would have about n*sqrt(n) nonzero elements in the matrix L, this is about 10^6*10^3=10^9.

N = 1000; h = 1/N;
n = (N-1)^2               % n is number of unknowns
A = laplacian2(N);        % generate A as sparse matrix
b = ones(n,1)*h^2;        % right hand side vector

                          % Gaussian elimination with row and column pivoting

spparms('spumoni',2)      % show information about algorithms used by \
tic; u = A\b; toc
disp('(time to solve n by n linear system)')
ucenter = u((n+1)/2)      % displacement in center
spparms('spumoni',0)      % stop displaying extra information for \
n =


sp\: bandwidth = 999+1+999.
sp\: is A diagonal? no.
sp\: is band density (0.0025005) > bandden (0.5) to try banded solver? no.
sp\: is A triangular? no.
sp\: is A morally triangular? no.
sp\: is A a candidate for Cholesky (symmetric, real positive diagonal)? yes.
sp\: is CHOLMOD's symbolic Cholesky factorization (with automatic reordering) successful? yes.
sp\: is CHOLMOD's numeric Cholesky factorization successful? yes.
sp\: is CHOLMOD's triangular solve successful? yes.

CHOLMOD version 1.7.0, Sept 20, 2008: : status: OK
  Architecture: Linux
    sizeof(int):      4
    sizeof(UF_long):  8
    sizeof(void *):   8
    sizeof(double):   8
    sizeof(Int):      8 (CHOLMOD's basic integer)
    sizeof(BLAS_INT): 8 (integer used in the BLAS)
  Results from most recent analysis:
    Cholesky flop count: 1.9867e+10
    Nonzeros in L:       4.4369e+07
  memory blocks in use:          13
  memory in use (MB):         624.1
  peak memory usage (MB):     712.0
  maxrank:    update/downdate rank:   8
  supernodal control: 1 40 (supernodal if flops/lnz >= 40)
  nmethods=0: default strategy:  Try user permutation if given.  Try AMD.
    Select best ordering tried.
    method 0: user permutation (if given)
    method 1: AMD (or COLAMD if factorizing AA')
        prune_dense: for pruning dense nodes:   10
        a dense node has degree >= max(16,(10)*sqrt(n))
        flop count: 1.9867e+10
        nnz(L):     4.4369e+07
  final_asis: TRUE, leave as is
  dbound:  LDL' diagonal threshold:  0
    Entries with abs. value less than dbound are replaced with +/- dbound.
  grow0: memory reallocation:  1.2
  grow1: memory reallocation:  1.2
  grow2: memory reallocation: 5
  nrelax, zrelax:  supernodal amalgamation rule:
    s = # columns in two adjacent supernodes
    z = % of zeros in new supernode if they are merged.
    Two supernodes are merged if (s <= 4) or (no new zero entries) or
    (s <= 16 and z < 80%) or (s <= 48 and z < 10%) or (z < 5%)

Elapsed time is 4.327856 seconds.
(time to solve n by n linear system)

ucenter =
