This course is a continuation of Math 140. Topics include techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integration (such as volumes, work, arc length, moments), inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series. Math 140 is a prerequisite for this course.

Here is some more basic information about Math 141:

Time & Place: MWF 1-1:50 pm, ARM 0135


Professor Richard A. Wentworth
Office: 3109 Mathematics Building
Phone: (301) 405-5130
Office Hours: MWF 10-11 and by appointment


Brett Williams, secs. 0413, 0432
Xuan Liu, secs. 0412, 0422
Marie Chau, secs. 0411, 0421
James Greene, secs. 0423, 0431


Calculus, 6th Edition, by R. Ellis and D. Gulick. Thomson Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 0759313792.

Homework: Homework is submitted and graded electronically via WebAssign. Normally, this will be each Tuesday and Thursday by 8 AM. Instructions for using WebAssign can be found here. Do the initial practice problems to get used to using the software. Additional problems from the book are suggested below. These will not be graded. Nevertheless, you should work through all of them, since they are typical of the types of problems that will appear on quizzes and exams.

There will be short quizzes periodically (approximately every other week). These will be given in section. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped from the average.

Exams: There will be exams on Feb. 11, Mar. 4, Apr. 8, and Apr. 29. These will be given during the regular lecture period in the regular lecture hall. In addition, there will be a comprehensive final exam on May 12, 1:30-3:30 pm. For more information click here: FINAL EXAM INFO.

There will be no makeups for quizzes or midterms. If you miss a quiz or a midterm, then that will be the midterm or section quiz you will drop. Don't decide an earlier midterm or quiz is going to be your bad score -- if you miss a later one, then that is going to be your bad score. When you have compelling reasons for missing an exam, share them with me or your TA. In particular, if you know before an exam that you have a conflict contact me in advance. In this case, it may be possible to arrange an early exam.

Grading: The final grade will depend on your performance on the exams and quizzes. The relative weights I will use are: Best three midterm exams = 60%, Final exam = 25%, Quizzes = 10%, Homework = 5%.

You are expected to come to class, do the homework, and most important of all be actively engaged in trying to understand. Two tips for success: (1) Don't fall behind -- try to do a little homework every day; and (2) Make friends -- ask questions and help each other (especially after trying alone first).

Help: You can find information about tutoring and other useful resources here.
Academic Integrity : You should be familiar with the University's policies on Academic Integrity, including the Honor Pledge.
Students with disabilities : If you have some disability related to testing under the usual timed, in-class conditions, you may contact the office of Disabled Students Services (DSS) in Shoemaker. If they assess you as meriting private conditions and/or extra time, then you may arrange to take your tests at DSS, with extra time as they indicate. You must arrange this well in advance of a test (in particular: no retakes). Click to Disability Support Services for further information.
Religious observances : If your religion dictates that you cannot take an exam or hand in assigned work on a particular date, then contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss alternatives. You are responsible for making these arrangements at the beginning of the semester.
Detailed Syllabus: Below is an outline of the material I hope to cover and when. This will undoubtedly change as the semester progresses, so check here often for updates. The reading selections and homework are from Ellis and Gulick.







Jan 24

volume, length

6.1, 6.2, 6.4 6.1: # 3,5,9,20,29,35,42.
6.2: # 1,5,9,17,19.


Jan 31

moments, parametrized curves

6.4 , 6.5 , 6.7

6.4: # 3,8,9,11,24,27.
6.5: # 11,17,19,21,23.
6.7: #1,5,8,15,19.


Feb 7

inverse functions

6.8, 7.1 6.8: # 8,10.
7.1: # 1,7,11,25,29,38,51,57,69,70,71.


Feb 14

exponentional and logarithm

7.2, 7.3, 7.5 7.2: # 3,13,39.
7.3: # 5,13,37,38,39.
7.5: # 1,3,5,19,29,33,43,49,52,65.


Feb 21

l'Hopital's rule, differential equations

7.6, 7.7, 7.8 7.6: # 5,6,7,9,13,17,19,37,47,53,57.
7.7: # 3,7,10,13,15,22.
7.8: # 3,4,8,9,11,15,19,21,29.


Feb 28

techniques of integration 8.1, 8.2 8.1: # 5,11,13,24,26,27,31,35,41,47.
8.2: # 3,7,11,15,17,21,31,35,41,45,53.


Mar 7


8.3, 8.4 8.3: # 1,5,9,21,31,36,43.
8.4: # 1,3,5,7,15,16,24,39


Mar 14

approximation, improper integrals 8.6, 8.7 8.6: # 1,11,13,15,23.
8.7: # 3,7,11,17,27,33,34,62,69,70.


Mar 28

sequences and convergence 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 9.1: # 1,4,9,11,16,26.
9.2: # 3,7,17,19,25,31,35,41,43.
9.3: # 1,9,15,16,17,25,30,33,36.


Apr 4

infinite series 9.4, 9.5 9.4: # 5,7,13,19,25,29,45,46,54.
9.5: # 1,3,7,15,23,27,35


Apr 11

convergence tests 9.6, 9.7 9.6: # 1,9,13,17,18,25.
9.7: # 1,6,9,19,21,23,27


Apr 18

power series 9.8, 9.9 9.8: # 1,13,19,23,27,31,41,43.
9.9: # 3,7,8,10,25,29


Apr 25

complex numbers handout exercises in the handout


May 2

polar coordinates 10.1, 10.2 10.1: # 1eg,2cg,3,9,13,20,22,25,27,28,33,37,41,47.
10.2: # 1,5,7,11,23,25,27,31.

May 9



Richard A. Wentworth