Doctorates Awarded to Blacks by the Mathematics Department of the University of Maryland
This includes Applied Mathematics and Statistics Doctorates
We have very good records of our mathematics graduates. A number of mathematics \education students are supported by the mathematics department, but we do not have as good records of who graduated and when. The Mathematics Education department\ may have records. The number by the first few students is their number in the total\ doctoral population; Earl Barnes received the 104th doctorate awarded by the mathematics department.
- Earl Barnes,Aug 30,1968 #104 G. S. Jones
- The Optimal Control of Systems with Distributed Parameters
- Art Grainger, Aug 1973, #197 A. Bernstein
- On Nonstandard Topological Vector Spaces and Invariant Subspaces \ of Compact Operators
- Alton Wallace, May 1974, #208 R. Johnson\
- Representation Theorems for Solutions of Differential Operator\ Equations
- Osborne Parchment May 1975, #218 K. Stellmacher\
- A Well Posed Problem for Ultra Hyperbolic Differential Operators\ and Asgeirsson's Mean Value Theorem
- Lorenzo Hilliard 1986 B. Kellogg
- Noel Bryson 1988 S. Gass
- Jean-Bernard Nestor, Dec 1989 W. Adams
- Rodney Kerby, (w. Sherry Scott), May 1990 J. Benedetto\
- Correlation function and the Wiener-Wintner theorem in higher dimensions
- Donald Martin, Dec 1990 B. Kedem
- Estimation of the Minimal Period of Periodically Correlated Sequences
- Errol Rowe, Aug. 1996 M. Freidlin
- Probabilistic Approach to a Class of PDE Systems
- Neal Jeffries, May 1998 B. Kedem
- Logistic Mixtures of Generalized Linear Model Time Series
- Tasha Inniss, Aug 2000 M. Ball
- Sherry Scott, Aug 2000 J. Benedetto
- Kimberly Weems Aug 2000 P. Smith
- Serge Bernard (w. Jean Nestor) May 2001 F. Alt
- Gikiri Thuo August 2002 D. Cooper
- Monica Jackson May 2003 E. Russek-Cohen
- Spatial Data Analysis for Discrete Data on a Lattice
- Ahmad Ridley May 2004 Michael Fu and William Massey
- Performance Analysis of a Preemptive-resume Priority Call Center with Time-varying Arrivals
- Roselyn Marsa Abbiw-Jackson December 2004 Bruce Golden
- Discrete Optimization Models in Data Visualization
- Angela Grant December 2005 Brian Hunt
- Finding Optimal Orbits of Chaotic Systems
- William Casey Howell May 24 2006 Michael Fu\
- Simulation Optimization of Traffic Light Signal Timings via Perturbation Analysis
- Calandra Rilette Tate November 19, 2007 Eric V. Slud and Bonnie J. Dorr
- An Investigation of the Relationship Between Automated\ Machine Translation\Evaluation Metrics and User Performance on an Information Extraction Task
- Stacey Oneeta Nicholls December 16, 2008 Dianne O'Leary
- Column Generation in Predictor-Corrector Methods for Solving Linear Programs
- Robert Delgado February 25, 2009 William Goldman
- Density Properties of Subsets of the Euler Characteristic-2 Surface\ Group, PSL(2,R) Character Variety
- Charles Glover July 26, 2010 Michael Ball
- Computationally Tractable Stochastic Integer Programming \Models for Air Traffic Flow Management
Many of them, as well as some mathematics education graduates of the University of Maryland, are in a picture taken after NAM's Cox-Talbot lecture at the AMS meeting in Baltimore in January, 2003.
Several of these students were instrumental in nominating me for an award sponsored by AAAS. Jim Gates of the Physics Department won an award at the same time. The plaques were presented in San Francisco on February 17, 2007. This is the announcement of my award ; here is the announcement of Jim Gates' award . These pictures were taken at the ceremony by my son Malcolm Johnson. Here is a pictures of Jim and I before the ceremony , and another with Gary May, another mentor award\ winner in the background.
Here is a picture of Jim Gates receiving the award and a picture while he was delivering his acceptance address.
Here is a picture of me during my talk , along with a picture of my receiving the award ( Left to right: AAAS President John P. Holdren, Raymond L. Johnson, AAAS Chief Executive Officer Alan I. Leshner) .
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