Make it Better 1. Graduate student presentations 2. More time for discussions 3. Shorten talks 4. Have discussions at hotel 5. Discussions should focus on specific goal 6. Smaller group discussions, then come back as a body 7. Time limit on talks during discussion 8. Add a day 9. Less talks per day 10. List topics for discussion at beginning of conference 11. Another conference to address other issues 12. More time discussing mechanisms to correct problems we're facing 13. Prepared presentations on topics (affirmative action, etc.) 14. Email lists, discussion board (Camille McKayle, Ron Buckmire -UC Berkeley Web page) 15. Panels 16. Have grad students talk to incoming students Have Chair and Co-Chairs (Nate Dean) Create a consortium Representation from diverse group Have proposal workshops Gordon conference format 9-12 Talks 12-1 Lunch 1-5 Break out groups: Grad students, specialists 7-9 Last talk Volunteers Nate Dean Arlie Petters Fern Hunt Camille McKayle William Massey Chenita Hampton Tasha Inniss Cyril Coumarbatch Dawn Lott-Crumpler Danielle Carr Proposal Committee James Turner William Massey Raymond Johnson Camille McKayle Arlie Petters Art Grainger Summer Program Students from same schools Competitive stipends Very problem-oriented -- no lectures Shorten time period Pre-graduate program Bring practice exams