Spring 2025: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2024: MATH 632 (Functional Analysis)
Fall 2024: RIT on Applied Harmonic Analysis
Spring 2024: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Spring 2024: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2024: RIT on Applied Harmonic Analysis
Fall 2023: MATH 634 (Harmonic Analysis)
Fall 2023: RIT on Applied Harmonic Analysis
Spring 2023: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2021: MATH 634 (Harmonic Analysis)
Spring 2021: AMSC/CMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2021: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2020: AMSC/CMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2020: MATH 632 (Functional Analysis)
Fall 2020: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2020: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2019: MATH 858S (Harmonic Analysis Methods for Random and Low-Rank Matrices)
Fall 2019: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2019: MATH 631 (Real Analysis II)
Spring 2019: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2018: MATH 632 (Functional Analysis)
Fall 2018: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2018: MATH 631 (Real Analysis II)
Spring 2018: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Fall 2017: MATH 630 (Real Analysis I)
Spring 2017: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2017: MATH 420 (Mathematical Modeling)
Spring 2017: MATH 416 (Applied Harmonic Analysis: Introduction to Signal Processing)
Fall 2016: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2016: MATH 416 (Applied Harmonic Analysis: Introduction to Signal Processing)
Spring 2016: AMSC/CMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2016: RIT on the Quantum Information Systems
Fall 2015: RIT on Applied Harmonic Analysis
Fall 2015: AMSC/CMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2015: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2015: MATH 858R/AMSC 808R (Sparse and Low Rank Representations: Analytical Methods and Industrial Applications)
Spring 2015: MATH 246H (Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2014: RIT on the Phaseless Reconstruction Problem
Spring 2014: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2014: MATH 858R/AMSC 808R (Sparse and Low Rank Representations: Analytical Methods and Industrial Applications)
Fall 2013: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2013: MATH 464 (Transformed Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2013: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2013: MATH 463 (Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers)
Fall 2012: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2012: MATH 464 (Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2012: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2012: MATH 464 (Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Fall 2011: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2011: MATH 246 (Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2011: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Spring 2011: MATH 464 (Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Fall 2010: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Fall 2010: MATH 246 (Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2010: MATH 464 (Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Fall 2009: MATH 246 (Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2009: MATH 464 (Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers)
Spring 2009: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Fall 2008: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)
Spring 2008: MAIT 679M / AMSC 698M (Advanced Topics in Applied
Mathematics: Introduction to Financial Mathematics)
Spring 2008: AMSC 664 (Advanced Scientific Computation II)
Fall 2007: MATH 670 (Ordinary Differential Equations I)
Fall 2007: AMSC 663 (Advanced Scientific Computation I)