cf QQplot --- x-axis Phi^{-1}((i-3/8)/(n+1/4)) y-axis x_{(i)} = ith order statistic GENERAL IDEA: Phi^{-1}((i-1/2)/n) vs x_{(i)} You can modify the adjustment constants -0.375 and 0.25 with the RANKADJ= and NADJ= options. The default combination is recommended by Blom (1958). ProbPlot --- [according to NIST handbook] x-axis Normal order stat medians = Phi^{-1}(Unif order stat medians) y-axis = x_{(i)} NB HISTOGRAM, QQPLOT and PROBPLOT produces high-res graphics from within PROC UNIVARIATE. proc univariate data=mydir.polynesT; var LatitS; Histogram LatitS / NORMAL; QQPLOT LatitS; PROBPLOT LatitS; run; Stem Leaf # Boxplot 4 3 1 0 3 8 1 0 3 2 578 3 | 2 00001122233334 14 | 1 556666666677888888889999 24 +-----+ 1 00012233 8 | + | 0 5666788899999 13 +-----+ 0 3 1 | -0 | -0 9 1 | -1 -1 99 2 0 -2 332221111000 12 0 ----+----+----+----+---- Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1 [First is histogram with normal density overplotted. Second and third statements plot exactly the same points, the first one labelling the x-axis linearly according to `corresponding' normal quantiles and the second with those same quantiles labelled by cumulative probabilities in place of normal deviates.] SO PROBPLOT IS TRANSPOSED E.D.F. Empirical D.f. -(transposed) -- x-axis i/n y-axis x_{(i)} BoxPlot -- The box plot, also known as a schematic plot, appears beside the stem-and-leaf plot. Both plots use the same vertical scale. The box plot provides a visual summary of the data and identifies outliers. The bottom and top edges of the box correspond to the sample 25th (Q1) and 75th (Q3) percentiles. The box length is one interquartile range (Q3 - Q1). The center horizontal line with asterisk endpoints corresponds to the sample median. The central plus sign (+) corresponds to the sample mean. If the mean and median are equal, the plus sign falls on the line inside the box. The vertical lines that project out from the box, called whiskers, extend as far as the data extend, up to a distance of 1.5 interquartile ranges. Values farther away are potential outliers. The procedure identifies the extreme values with a zero or an asterisk (*). If zero appears, the value is between 1.5 and 3 interquartile ranges from the top or bottom edge of the box. If an asterisk appears, the value is more extreme. Get them side by side from: PROC UNIVARIATE PLOT option, using By Groups.